Thursday, April 11, 2013

Please tell your local school board to fire or not renew a teachers contract with a local teachers association

Please mention to your school board they should not renew any contract from a local teachers union.  Teachers should work directly with the school administration and school board.  Tenure should be eliminated.  The quality is better when you fire a teachers association you eliminate the voice of the National Education Association they support top down administrations not the teachers.  Most are responsible for why Johnny can not read or graduate must take remedial course in order start college on the right track.  Some students should learn a trade instead most public school have a one size fits all which is that all students will go to a four year university.  I did not go to the four year university.  I got my degree from a two year community college.  Let's start in the 8th grade find out what the kid wants to do then do when they go to high school they can have a custom learning plan for each student.  If a students wants to do a trade then they can graduate with job skills and learn the trade.  If the student wants to work on motorcycles then have the student do course for the trade.  If a student wants to teacher then that student can do course for that purpose.  Please tell your school board to fire the teachers union and save your schools and childs learning.  Allow parents to control the schools.

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