Friday, August 30, 2013

Gay people want equality in marriage then small business and religion want equality from you

You know conservatives the gay marriage folks have a point here.  We need to waive the white flag on this issue.  Does this mean that church have to marry these folks no.  They can choose any church they want.  We also need to have small business equality and religion equality which means if a church says no we are not marrying you then couple goes to the church down the street.  If a small bakery like in Oregon saying we are not making your cake there are plenty of bakeries that will. Gay couple respect a church and a small business right not to accept your business.  Stop clogging the courts to get your agenda passed.  If you want your activity recognized then you bring a convincing argument some states like Alaska state government are giving you benefits, federal government and private employers are giving you benefits.  Now let's do this where gay marriage is not recognized make a good case why you will win.  America will recognize gay marriage but not the transgendered folks unless done early enough do not look like a freak show.  Fire the Transgendered folks that body modification and possible disguised way to be a pervert also known as fake males and fake males since they are not the biological the sex they are born

Please respect us and our views and we will accept your that is what happened with the civil rights movement you guys need to do the same thing. 
LGBT movement needs to realize mainstream America may accept their lifestyle but we have choice that we do not have making wedding cakes and marry you in our christian churches.  You have already made a 100 year old institution like the boy scouts and girls scouts have less values now.  They now have a tolerance merit badge with a purple flag on it. 

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