Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Rest of Washington State has a message for you Seattle


Hey Seattle the  rest of Washington has a message you.  You do not speak for the rest of the state.  We do not want bike lanes your agenda 21 your $15 an hour minimum wage.  We also tired of funding your welfare and ritzy lifestyle.  You are a welfare check we need to cut.  Our taxes are tired of going to porkbellow projects.  We also do not want your complete streets and traffic calming.  We will root for your football team and baseball team that is it.  From now let the rest of the state speak for itself thanks.  In 2016 please vote out Patty Murray and in 2018 please vote out Maria Cantwell.  We also want Common sense thinking coming out of Olympia thanks. Last but not least you can take your Jay Inslee back to the Liberal politic rehab known as Bainbridge Island in 2016 hopefully replace him with Spokane's very own Kevin Parker we need a governor from Eastern Washington the last one was Clarence Martin from Cheney elected in 1933 when FDR was elected he was a conservative Democrat at this time.  He was governor from 1933 to 1941