Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Alaska State budget was passed on the backs of average Alaskans

Last week your legislators decide to pass a budget on the backs of average Alaskans.  They capped your PFD at $1100 decide to take $656 million of the permanent fund to fund government services.  They decided to fund irresponsible school boards.  They did not reduce any items instead they increased the cost of government on the backs of average Alaskans.  Thanks Alaska House Majority for refusing to hold bureaucrats accountable. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Lots of people attended the Save the PFD rally in Anchorage

Many people attended the Save Our PFD rally held in front of the Boney Court House in Anchorage on June 20th.  Most people honked and supported our cause.  There were a few celebrities that stopped like Liz Sanchez former legislature.  Bill Wielechowski the lawmaker who brought the lawsuit.  He allowed us to pray for a great outcome.  It maybe a couple of months before we found out the verdict from the State supreme court. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Alaska legislatures it is time to adopt the peoples plan

Recently the Alaska State House Majority decided to restore your Permanent Fund Dividend.  These guys think to fund a full PFD you need an income tax.  No you do need an income tax to pay PFDs.  You need to cut services that are not part of basic government.  This is what Alaskans asked for is to balance the budget.  This idea will also make people leave the state to states that do not have this type of tax.  Texas anyone.  

Then you have the senate majority which also wants to cap your permanent fund dividend again stealing your money.  They refuse to cut expenses that are not needed.  

Now we have the peoples plan this is the Mission Critical Alaska plan.  Here it is leave the PFD alone let the market decide the amount of the PFD.  No new tax of any kind.  Reduce spending that is not needed. Make municipalities and school districts pay their fair share.  Here is the link to the Mission Critical website and look at their plan.  https://www.missioncriticalalaska.com/  Call your legislature and tell them you want this plan.  This is what the people want. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bill Walker will not be reelected in a second term as Alaska governor

Due to the policies of recent governor has taken.  Whether he runs as a Independent or a Republican or a Democrat.  He will not be reelected another term.  If the Republican candidate is Dunleavy and the Democrat candidate is Bill Wielechowski they will out perform him.  If he chooses one of the major parties he will lose the nomination like Frank Murkowski did in 2006 to Sarah Palin.  The main reason he will lose reelection is policy to take your dividend.  As a current assemblywoman Amy Demboski said recently in an assembly meeting we have a leadership problem.  Many Alaskans who supported you in 2014 will not support you due to this decision.  I predicted in 2015 you would support an income tax it is two years later I was right.  Bill Walker will be a one term governor.  December 2018 Alaskans will have a new governor. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

It was Cean Stevens who decided to step aside in the Libertarian US Senate race

About a month ago I had a conversation with Michael Chambers to explain what really happened during the Cean Stevens US Senate campaign.  First of all unlike her previous legislative campaigns against Geran Tarr.  She only made a few public appearances leaving Michael to due most of the dirty work.  Cean mostly decided to focus on her stained glass business instead of being a candidate for US Senate.  It was Cean who approached Joe Miller to take the Libertarian party to run on because he was planning a write in campaign at the urge of his supporters.  September it was decided that Joe Miller would take over the Libertarian Party nomination.  Even though he did not win the election.  He did win the most percentage of any Libertarian candidate on the ballot for 2016.  Alaska Libertarian Party remains very popular. 

Anchorage Transportation Inspector proposes renumbering of Anchorage's cab fleet

Soon Anchorage Transportation Inspector Eric Musser will be proposing a new numbering system for Anchorage taxicabs.  The reason for the renumbering is to allow growth in the industry.  This will allow for more cab companies and each cab company can number its cabs accordingly.  When you buy a permit you are not buying the number if you are then you are defending that these permits are medallions which ATPOA has said these permits are not.  They are famous for lying to the public.  This is how the number system would go.  This is based on another city called Spokane which sets a range of numbers per cab company.  Spokane has half the amount of cabs that Anchorage does even though they have the same population.  All handicap accessible cabs will be number after 600. 

Here is how the numbering system would go
1-299 would go to Alaska Yellow Cab 
301-599 would go to Anchorage Checker Cab
600-699 for all Handicap cabs.  

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Islamic cowards caused terror on London bridge

So far as I woke up this morning to find out that the UK has been under attack again by possibly Islamic cowards causing horror on a bridge in the British capitol of London.  London is the largest city in Britain.  So far there have been reports of seven people killed and possibly 48 people injured as people who drove an automobile started to run over pedestrians and stabbing people around 10pm local time last night June 3, 2017.  Our prayers are with you Britain.  British police have arrested 12 people in relation to the attack.