Sunday, July 31, 2016

Craig Johnson is the most qualified for the South Anchorage Senate seat

Last month there was a late entry in the South Anchorage Senate.  Craig Johnson has been a member of the state house for 10 years.  He very experienced in state issues is very familiar with issues South Anchorage is facing.  He also believes unlike the other candidates that your Permanent Fund should be yours not governments.  He getting elected will not be easy.  He is facing Natasha Von Imhof former school member is who is member of the famous Elmer Rasmusson family who wants to buy a State Senate seat.  Then you have Jeff Landfield who has Party Identity Disorder who acts like a frat boy on Animal House both believe government can spend your money better than you. He wants to convince people that his Red Riding hood speedo act will get him elected.  

Time to elect common sense select Craig Johnson to the State Senate.  He would make a great replacement to Lesil McGuire.  Experience is best and Craig is your guy.  

Jeff Landfield believes the State Senate is a fashion show

Jeff Landfield believes the State Senate is a fashion show.  As you see he is wearing a speedo while trying to fool the residence of South Anchorage with his frat boy idea hoping you will buy his Red Riding hood act.  Remember the State Senate is for serious candidate.  Remember he has Party Identity Disorder.  He is a really a Democrat and believes your PFD belongs to government not you.  He accuses Lesil McGuire not being a conservative here is the truth he is left of Lesil.