Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Lindsay Kavanaugh needs to step down as Alaska Democrats Chair


Recently Lindsay made a mistake she decided to drive impaired.  As a leader of a major political party made a mistake which is a bad example for your political party.  For the sake of Alaska Democrat Party you need to step down immediately. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Ellensburg Teachers will be using the local public library for learning for next years students


Recently the Ellensburg School District has decided that library staff are not needed to help the school libraries.  Local teachers will be using the public library for resources to help their children instead.  I guess when you are a teacher a local library card would be necessary to help your students.  Teachers are actually very important to a child's education. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Mike Kreidler needs to not seek reelection as Insurance Commissioner


Washington State employment law prohibits an employer public or private from firing a whistleblower.  Whistleblowers are protected employees and are reporting wrong doing a department.  This means usually the department was favoring insurance companies over other.  Since an insurance company has a hard time covering individual Washingtonians due to extreme oversight by this office.  This office is why there are very few insurance companies in the State of Washington.  It would be better for Washington State voters if he decides not to seek reelection in 2024.  He would be eligible for Washington State Public Employees pension since he has served 24 years in office.  Resignation is also an option however this would keep this office in Democrat hands.  We need to flip this office back to GOP hands. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Environmentalist are mad that Governor Newsom wants to make elecricity more affordable

 Environmentalist are mad that Governor Newsom and agency heads want to make electricity more affordable to California residents.  Remember most environmentalist are hypocrites who come in SUV's to protest and use the latest phone technologies which produce more fuel that what they are protesting.  By allowing more electricity to be produced will lower prices and make it more affordable for low income residents without energy assistance from taxpayers.  Remember there policy are why the west is a tinderbox since the mid 1990's by killing a self sufficient industry like the logging industry.  Just look at Northern California, Pacific Northwest which had to convert to tourism to survive. 

Kamala Harris seems to forget that there is living human being in that uterus

 Kamala Harris seems to not understand her own history.  Remember that abortion is medical procedure that most are not for medical reason instead it for convenience of the person.  Remember Margret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was a racist who hated black citizens this is why she would put clinics in predominate black and poor neighborhoods to prevent their population.  Remember most abortions where that of black people.  Since life actually begins at conception as a tadpole from your fathers penis.  Remember the baby has a right too.  This Supreme court put the child first.  Democrats says they are for all childrens rights unless it is in the womb then the right goes the other way.  Women do not have the right to terminate a pregnancy unless it endangers them medically.  Adoption should be more affordable especially for infertile couple.  This will cover in another blog piece. 

Only Sarah Palin can open ANWR and represent all Alaskans

 Alaska really has one choice for congress that is Sarah Palin.  Sarah will not back down from anybody will stand up to the liberals like AOC will actually get resources developed in Alaska's North Slope.  Do not mess with mama Grizzly.  She listens only to Alaska.  Remember Nick Begich III only listens to Nancy Pelosi and a select group of people not Alaskans.  Vote for Sarah Palin on August 16th because she delivers. 

AFP Alaska is actually a organization who backs Democrats in secret


Many things you really do not know about Nick Begich III.  Nancy Pelosi is actually backing him for congress.  He will immediately change to becoming a Republican when elected.  AFP Alaska which is secretly funded by Democrats and Bernadette Wilson is married to Chris Tuck a real Democrat.  This organization just like the Alaska Republican and Democrat Party do not want you to have a full Permanent Fund Dividend.  Now they back Nancy Pelosi choice for congress Nick Begich III the pretend Republican.  If they backed a real Republican they would back Sarah Palin.  Remember this organization is backed by the corrupt Koch brothers who buy politicians.  This is why you vote for Sarah Palin. 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

California wants to legalize liotering and panhandling because its targest black people.

 I guess panhandling on the street corner is about to become legal in California.  I guess not giving to them will no longer be a crime.  I guess seeing tents on a sidewalk is about to become normal.  Guess what maybe all the west coast cities needs to send all their homeless people to California where they can practice their craft. 

The real reason for the East Anchorage shelter at Centennial Park

The real reason the Bronson administration had proposed the shelter at Centennial Park.  First of all the Dunleavy administration proposed this idea to get rid of a problem park.  Plus in 2014, Pete Petersen help proposed the Muldoon Town Square Park aka East Anchorage homeless shelter.  This is already filled to capacity with a Saturday eviction for a market every weekend from June to October after a serious scrubbing.  This is what Dunbar and Petersen do not want a East Anchorage processing center because it competes with their shelter.  Just remember a shelter is needed as long as non profits run it and not the city. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Spokane County Planned Parenthood Clinics are seeing an increase in patients


Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned.  Many Idahoans have decided to go to Spokane County Planned Parenthood clinics were abortion will continue to operate business as usual.  Idaho law requires all abortion clinics to close by the end of July.  Abortion can only performed in Idaho by a medical doctor at a hospital or clinic if it determined that the mother's life will be endanger if the pregnancy were to continue.  Too bad abortions can not be banned due to fact most are performed out convenience not due to the fact the child is not wanted by the couple or unwed mother who deciding a child should not be born.  Here is the truth a child is considered a life when you a tadpole who came from your father's penis.  Imagine had mother been told in May 1971 your child will have autism she had the ability to go to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bellevue to get rid of me.  Now she would had never done this because for one being born in Catholic family my maternal grandmother Lynn would had given her the riot act, so would had my grandmother Wanda and both maternal grandfathers named Bob would had done the same thing.    Unless the body naturally reject the fetus in the mothers womb.  Abortion is similar to what Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust.  You imagine 50 million more Americans added to the population from our total population of approximately 300 million Americans today.  

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Black Lives Matter is not considered free speech

 I am glad the courts are treating the Black Lives Matter similar to the Make America Great Again.  They are both political opinions.  Company are allowed to tell workers they can not wear political advertising when they working or shopping in their stores.  They prevents the workplace from saying we sponsor this type of activity.  I wish they would do this with the LGBT flag that is also a political statement to.  It means you do not support god's plan for marriage. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Soon COVID-19 will be required to attend Government funded schools public or private

I guess in less than 5 years just like the measles, mumps and rubella vacation is required to attend all public funded institutions this including private school that receive government funding.  I remember had I not received my MMR vaccine at age 17 the Kodiak Island Borough School was getting ready to not let me begin my senior year that year.  This ended up becoming a graduate of Cle Elum-Roslyn School of 1990 this is so I could graduate on time.  I may have been the class of 1991 that due to class load I had that year no electives.  Do not be surprised if the US Illegal Department of Education will require this for students if Biden or another Democrat is elected in 2024. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

President Biden refuses to understand America by banning Fireworks at Mount Rushmore


The Biden administration is currently being unpatriotic against South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.  They say that the Fireworks will disturb the natural habitat of the place.  It seems this administration would rather cancel Americana than to embrace it.  Mount Rushmore was created as a Beautification project ordered by FDR to put people back to work under the Civilian Conservation Corps which actually put people back to work during the Great Depression of the 1930's.  
                          Mount Rushmore

Monday, June 27, 2022

Red state abortion providers Washington and Oregon will allow you to practice babby killing legally

Attention Red State Abortion Providers since your lawmakers want to put you out of business.  The tourism department with the help of their legislature would like to relocate you to a blue state where citizens will have no problem allowing you to kill children that are not yet born.  Washington and Oregon you can practice your crazy of deny life to someone who wants to be a human being.  There legislature might even provide you tax incentives to move your practice from a red state.  So if killing unborn babies are your specialty then Washington and Oregon will like to have practice your craft

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Jay Inslee needs to read the Washington State Original constitution

 It seems again Governor Clueless Jay Inslee refuses to read the original Washington State Constitutional.  Remember Washington State was introduced into the union as a Populist state on November 11, 1889 as the 42nd state of the Union.  It did not mention the right to kill an unborn fetus in a mothers womb.  Abortion was recognized as a right in 1962 when Seattle introduced its self to the world.  It's thinking has made the state unrecognizable from what most residents outside of Seattle believe in. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Democrat leading states willing to continue to fund abortion by paying people to have an abortion

 Just because today June 24, 2022 the Supreme Court ruled that people do not have the right to an abortion.  Many Democrat states like my home state of Washington will still perform the procedure.  They will even use taxpayer funds to fund the procedure they can not do in a neighboring state like Idaho.  This is not right to the taxpayer living in the progressive state who does not agree with the procedure.  Many Democrats say that is reproductive right.  That is reproductive death not life.   Some of these states need regime change at the state house, state senate as well as their governor mansions.  My Washington and Oregon friends Roe vs Wade will still be the law of the law.  Many of these states had their own law before the 1973 decision.


 Very seldom does a president get to nominate no more than one supreme court justice.  Donald Trump got to nominate three justices.  I think that this a good day finally someone recognizes that babies before they are born are a life.  This blog like other conservative blogs in this nation has always believe that life begins the minute you become a tadpole out of your father's penis.  In a 6-3 with Justice Clearance Thomas writing the majority opinion which is interesting because the founding of Planned Parenthood Margret Sanger believed that blacks should be allowed to exist.  This is a great days for babies in the womb they have rights. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Daniel Volland wins Assembly race in North Anchorage

Last Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 Daniel Volland won an Assembly race in a special election over 300 votes over the next competitor Stephanie Taylor.  First of all this blog would like to thank him for his victory.  He will join an assembly that has already 8 progressive minded people along with 3 common folk.  I do not know much about Dan here.  I will not judge him.  I am glad to see Chris Constant get a partner which this blog made possible two years ago with the 2 for all proposition back in 2020.  Just remember my conservative friends his term is up in April 2025. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 Al Gross in a move that stunned the progressives here in Alaska according to Alaska's News Source 10pm newscast on June 20th, 2021 told Alaskans he was suspending his political campaign.  He is currently 3rd in Alaska's rank choice ballot primary right now.  He also has withdrawn from the 2 year contest as well.  I wonder what this guy will do.  Could this also be a publicity stunt and he could get back in just days before certification.  Who will benefit his sudden departure. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hey Fairbanks it is time to look to Alaska's largest mountain for your next state representative


Kevin McKinley a tattoo artist who has been know to promote the art of ink on peoples bodies in Alaska.  He know wants to provide common sense thinking in the Alaska Legislature.  He has a great chance to take the seat Adam Wool has vacated to run for congress.  Truth is Adam is about to retire from political office.  He was just eliminated from the Alaska Special Election for Congress.  He is expected to eliminated again in two month during the August 16th primary again.  His major obstacle is Ashley Carrick she was handpicked by Adam Wool to succeed him.  Just remember Kevin will fight for you Fairbanks and will not tax you like other Fairbanks representatives. He supports a full Permanent Fund Dividend not just get a portion of a dividend.  

Vote for Kevin McKinley on August 16th primary he will represent Fairbanks better than anyone else for the Alaska State Legislature. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Early Results show Palin, Begich III, Gross and Peltola advance to the August General Election


As of 10pm on June 11th early results show that Sarah Palin, Nick Begich III, Dr Al Gross and Mary Sattler Peltola will advance in the top 4 candidate you must decide on the August 16th regular state election to finish the remaining of Don Young's term.  


Here are the pictures of the final four

                                Sarah Palin

                              Nick Begich III


                                                               Dr Al Gross


                          Mary Sattler Peltola

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Snoqualmie and Preston you need to elect Landon Halverson as your state representative


Snoqualmie, Preston and North Bend south of I-90 it is time to elect someone in the legislature who will listen to you.  Landon understands small town values will not vote with the Seattle progressives.  Remember the Snoqualmie Valley is very unique and so should its representatives in the legislature.  Even though Snoqualmie Valley will not have direct representation to the legislature.  Landon will be closer to that goal.  Vote for Landon as your state representative on August 2nd and November 8th.  Plus the Snoqualmie Valley needs a Little House on the Prairie in the Legislature. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

My brother Jim Marion wants to give his children a better education than he had



These are the pictures regarding the home school article. 

This was originally written on Easter Weekend in 2010.  This written on a blog titled Northern Mischief.  MySpace terminated their blogs this blog no longer exist there was republished here on November 3, 2011 when it was called Alaska Canada Northwest Janitor at the start is about to get a new name. 


April 3, 2010 edition of the Wenatchee World showed an article of my brother Jim Marion with my his wife Sarah and my niece Christina and nephew Daniel in giving them home school education. First of all lets get historical into Jim's family background. He was born into a family that where both parents had to work for a living did not have time to teach at home. Jim's education start at a day care center called Joyce's Day Care next to a gas station on Railroad Avenue in Snoqualmie in the late 1970's. Then at five years old he attended elementary school starting in Ms. Conner's class at North Bend Elementary in Kindergarten. He attended North Bend Elementary from kindergarten to fourth grade when he had to attend fifth and sixth grades at Snoqualmie Elementary since mother moved to Meadowbrook neighborhood in Snoqualmie. Meadowbrook was one of the poorest neighborhoods in the Snoqualmie Valley. Then since he excelled very well that the Snoqualmie Valley School District allowed him to pass to the junior high a month while his big brother had semester to make up since they refused to give me credit for it. Jim felt out of place when we were living in Meadowbrook from a average class neighborhood in Downtown North Bend and Si View Park area. During his middle school years while he was attending Kodiak Middle School in Kodiak, Alaska where he excelled in his studies while we were living at the Woody Way housing project and where we live in a rent to own house on Chichenoff Street. He did not enjoy living like a common folk. He started hang around people who part of the Kodiak Native Life and Kodiak Bible Chapel which gave him a concept of christian education which he could not have for himself Dad and mother could not afford it. Then during a dare of one of my friends I bet her $5 to have my little brother not return to Alaska which he did not. He graduated a good grade point average at Cle Elum High School which attending the Christian Missionary Alliance Church in South Cle Elum. Then he dabble with firefighter and met a young maiden who later become his wife a cute blond hair from above average family who parents actually declared bankruptcy once named Sarah Black and he married this young maiden in 1995. Both of them have college degrees however Sarah decided to be like mom Diane and teach my nieces Christina and Esther May and my nephew Daniel at home with textbooks from Costco nothing wrong with that.

Christina and Daniel's education with Mom the teacher. First of all, I have commend them for raising these young awesome kids with Christian values something Jim was not raised on since Dad was Catholic and were brought up that way until my mother insisted that we get involved in a god fearing church. They also beat the odd of the public school system which prefers to keep people in their grades by age. Sarah was lucky and enjoyed the fruits of homeschooling. Jim on the other hand due to lack of money had to deal with the public school since my parents had to work to survive even though he was never challenged in the public school systems of Cle Elum, Snoqualmie Valley and Kodiak Island. Now for children excelling well that has to do with genes more than anything. They eat together as a family three square meals which Jim never had that luxury since our family had to eat in shifts since dinner time was never established in the Marion and Yakanak households. My mother Sharon remarried in 1987 to Daniel Yakanak a father figure to both Jim and myself. Our family with my dad believed in eating in the living room in front of the satellite dish. Daniel's great grandfather may he rest in peace was a high school math teacher Robert Norman Marion who taught math at Mount Si High School from 1957-1981. That is why he excels in math it is in the genes. There superior knowledge is due to their parents and family influence. This is my analysis on the Wenatchee World article titled Home is the school for the Marion family. You can go to Good job Rachel Schelif.

 Update as of January 2013, he spends most of his time in the Atlanta metropolitan area with mother doing most of the teacher while their father speaks about a book titled People Soft and its Technique paid by McGraw Hill while he owns condos in Georgia and many rentals in the Wenatchee area.  He is a very successful owner of an online business to help consulting software it is called JSM Pros  here is that website




Thursday, May 19, 2022

It is a gay world after all says Disney Studios

 The Walt Disney Company founded by a cartoonist Walt Disney 99 years old in Los Angeles.  The first animated character was Mickey Mouse who was introduced in drawings as Mortimer Mouse.  Walt renamed him Mickey.  Now Disney has decided to no longer provide programming that the founder Walt Disney preached when he found the company which was to provide quality children's entertainment that is family friendly.  This actually started when Disney purchased ABC a major television network in 1996 which they still own today.  Remember this network cancelled Last Man Standing because Tim Allen is a conservative which FOX Network picked up and cancelled the reboot of Rosanne decided to kill her character after she tweeted her feelings about Valerie Jarrett who was an aide during the Obama administration.  They decided to create the Conners with the same producers which by the way is an awesome show.  Now to be politically corrected the famous song a small world after all now we have the modern version it is a gay world after all.  


It's a small world after all written by the Disney in 1964 during the New York City Worlds fair to show world unity.  

Now we enter 2021 Disney has decided that being politically correct is better than provide quality children's entertainment by day so has Nickelodeon another children's entertainment network which is owned by Viacom that owns CBS.  

What Disney and Nickelodeon believe in today.  They rallied against what the liberals called do not say gay bill in Florida.  The Florida legislature responded by taking away the state funded piggy bank to their resorts from having to pay the local counties of Orange and Polk County for their taxes. 

Mental Disturbed woman tells Congress that men can get pregnant


A mentally deranged woman by the name of Aimee Arrambide the executive director of Avow Texas told a House Judiciary committee that men could get pregnant.  First of all in order in for a pretend male to get pregnant they must be born biological female.  Thomas Beatie was actually born female his birth name is Tracy who was born in Bend, Oregon and now lives in Hawaii.  Here are the facts men can only get women pregnant using a penis and women can give birth if they still have uterus, ovaries and vagina.  Thomas still had his female parts that he had a birth born a she.  Fact men can not get pregnant.  


Babies come from here 


                                  Not here


 This organ can not pregnant a woman through sexual intercourse only.  


Just remember fake men can not get pregnant unless they still female reproductive organs they obtained at birth

Mt St Helens errupted 42 years ago

  This article was originally written on May 18, 2015 the date was changed due to adding some more information. 

Sunday, May 18, 1980 at 8:32am this mountain made a statement.  This eruption killed 57 people.  I remember that Sunday morning my little brother Jim and I were watching cartoons then a bulletin came on mentioning this mountain had blown.  My mother said this mountain lost her temper.  Because North Bend was north of the volcano most of the Seattle area escaped from the effects of the volcano.  Sunset came to Eastern Washington and Oregon at 9am this was unusual because usually dark did not happen after 7pm.  Toutle River had flooded.  Many in Lewis County had to evacuated their homes.  Governor Dixie Lee Ray had issued an air quality advisory for the whole state of Washington.  I remember if we did not have our mask on no recess for us just in case there was ash on the ground.  My mother had gotten extra surgical mass from her job at the Cabinet shop where she worked.  She kept some for us and gave some to Joyce's Day Care to put on the kids so they can play outside.  


Here are some pictures of ash fall from that day from Moses Lake and Ritzville a friend gave me 


          Ash over Moses Lake McDonald's

Moses Lake Police car driving in ash covered   streets

    People riding a horse and bicycle with a mask on

People shoveling ash in front of Moses Lake McDonald's

Schuck's Truck traveling on an ash covered roadway


     A homeowner shoveling a roof in Ritzville

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

It is Barracuda time Alaska


It is time to return the Barracuda to public service.  She will pick Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in her place plus Don Young would enjoy someone who refuses to put with crap about locking up Alaska.  She will propose to reopen ANWR.  Please mail your ballot by June 11th and put Sarah Palin in the top four.  


Sarah Palin was truthful to us while her brief time as Governor and put the people first which is what we need again here in Alaska.  The reason she resigned on July 26, 2009 was because she was following the advice of Ross Perot if you do not seek reelection then why complete it.  She also would had beat Barack Obama in 2012 had she had been chosen as the GOP nominee.  



You betcha.  Elect a barracuda to office. 

President Joe Biden says a higher crime rate is neccessary to safety of Americans


Yes President Joe Biden says once more we need a higher crime for the safety of all Americans.  First of all limiting the ability to have a gun to all Americans will not solve the problem.  First of all it is not the gun that causes the crime it is person.  A criminal background check does not prevent a person from getting a weapon.  What we need it is tougher penalties for people who commit a crime.  Some people by a gun for protection.  Let's do what the United Kingdom does and have call boxes every two blocks to call the police when it is knives that cause the majority of crime there.  As I said back in 1993 when will be have background checks for a fishing pole. 

We need to save this historic Anchorage Theatre


It is time to save this historic Anchorage landmark.  This theater opened in 1942 had been used for 60 years as a meeting center.  This theater has been allowed to decay over the past 20 years due to neglect.  It is time to contact mayor Dave Bronson's office and offer a price to the developer.  With the help of Anchorage Economic Development Corporation we can make this theater back to its intend purpose to be a meeting center and have the Anchorage Assembly meet there.  


Back in 1947 the theater looked like this.  Wouldn't this be great as the Assembly chamber and even put a Library here.  There is 8.2 million dollars in construction money available if a library is included. 

These are pictures of the Loussac Library when it was at 5th and F Street imagine a Downtown Branch at that location. 

 This was also the home to one of Anchorage's TV stations from 1957 to 1981 to a television station called KENI TV before it was bought by a Bellevue, Washington broadcasting company which changed it name to KTUU moved it to Midtown Anchorage. 

 Please contact Mayor Dave Bronson at (907) 343-7100 at as well as Christopher Constant at (907) 343-4112 at  We need to save this landmark for demolition.  Anchorage protects its history not let it go to the wrecking ball which is what this Assembly does to common sense.