Monday, July 5, 2021

Ivy and Bill believe that Permanent Fund Dividend should be in the Alaska State Constitution


Yes both Ivy Sponholz and Bill Wielechowski believe that the annual Permanent Fund Dividend should be in the Alaska State Constitution.  They do not believe you should get the amount you are entitled to.  Bill leaves before the vote and refuses to vote on the issue and Ivy votes to cut it every year.  Just remember that it is only the common sense lawmakers that are defending your PFD that is Alaska House Republicans.

Ivy blames Alaska House Republicans for why Alaskans will get no PFD this year

 Ivy Sponholz in our conversation at Saturday Market a week ago in Muldoon Town Square Park instead of blame her own caucus and people of her political party she told me that the Alaska House Republicans are why Alaskans will not get a PFD this year.  This is similar to her friend Bill Wielechowski blaming the oil companies for not agree to pay a higher tax so Alaskans can get a statutory PFD instead of blaming his legislative body.  It is time for people to take responsibility for their actions. 

Ivy wants to tax her citizens $3k this year


Ivy Sponholz told me a week ago at Saturday Market at Muldoon Town Square Park that the state can not afford to pay each every Alaskan $3687 this year which is what is owed this year.  She says that she fought for a PFD of $1100 but the House Republicans are the ones that reduced it to $525 by the way I will get to that in another article.  She like Coward Bill Wielechowski favor the statutory PFD be put in the Alaska State Constitution.  This will hogtie them from taxing them.  Remember both of these individuals think you should pay a state income tax.  When Russian Jack families are struggling to make ends meet they can thank their state representative for refusing to fund their PFD the amount they are suppose to get.  Something tells me they should had voted in former Assemblyman Paul Bauer to represent them. 
What Poison Ivy is giving you this year in Russian Jack.