Friday, March 22, 2024

Alaskans are asking Planet Fitness to leave for allowing pedophiles as members





I guess that Alaskans are fed up with this national fitness franchise for not standing up for Alaskan values.  Many Alaskans are canceling their memberships.  This fitness franchise would rather defend pedophiles instead backing Alaskan values.  Alaskans are asking you put an Out of Business sign or sell your locations to someone will uphold Alaskan values. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Special interest bought and paid for the Anchorage School Board

Both Carl Jacobs and Pat Higgins are bought and paid by the Anchorage Education Association.  The Anchorage Education Association does not represent teachers they represent top down administrations.  They refuse to reduce expenses and reduce the school district budget to 75 percent of the municipal budget.  Had they done that the Anchorage School District would be at 150 million dollar surplus instead a 98 million shortfall.  They want children to learn you can switch genders like fish.  Blame White Americans for their non success.  They also defend unqualified superintendent and need to have more administrators.  They refuse to consolidate schools to have efficiency in learning.  


It is time to reject these special interest candidates vote for citizen candidates of Kay Schuster and Chelsea Pohland in the April 2nd election for Anchorage School Board Seats E and G.  



Anchorage you have a choice between two people for the school board seat F


In Anchorage School Board Seat F is between two registered Democrats they are Dora Wilson and Angela Franks.  As a registered Republican this is where I wish every state had a None of the Above option like in Nevada.  I would select None of the Above option.  In full disclosure I already voted for Angela Frank because I did not receive complete information on this candidate.  You could also skip this race.  

Dora Wilson is the current incumbent who believes that we need to continue to the status quo.  She believes that more funding equals better outcomes refuses to reduce the Anchorage School Districts burden on the taxpayer by reducing the budget to 3/4 of the municipal budget.  She continue to do what the Anchorage Education Association instead of listen to the people.  She has voted to continue to fund administrative overhead instead of funnel it to the classroom.  

 We have a newcomer named Angela Frank a registered Democrat who wants better outcomes for children.  Question is what will she really do on the school board is a mystery.  

My recommendation is you choose who fills this seat no endorsement will be made by this blog. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Time to elect Common Sense to the Anchorage School Board



It is time to elect Common Sense to the Anchorage School Board.  One is a family duel Chelsea Pohland and Kay Schuster.  This is a family that cares about Education.  Kay is a Special Education Teacher who actually cares about teachers.  Chelsea wants a future for her kids.  Please vote for common sense by electing Kay and Chelsea against the special interest who do not want your kids to be educated. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Rudest man on the Anchorage School Board


This school board member will confront you if you tell truth about of what the leaders of the Anchorage School Board are really doing with your tax money.  They refuse to listen to teachers, students and parents instead only listen to top down administration.  Last year I suggest that you reduce the Base Student Allocation by 2/3 at an East Anchorage Town Forum due to the fact the Anchorage School District does not fiscally steward the public money to the teachers.  They would rather defend a babysitter for a current Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt instead hiring someone who has experience in Alaska education.  He mentioned we fiscally spend the areas to help students succeed.  Current state representative Donna Mears also defense this babysitter
Teachers could be hired over having a babysitter for an unqualified Superintendent.  He also defends the excessive budget of the Anchorage School District it needs to downsized to 75 percent of the Anchorage Municipal budget.   We need to consolidate Elementary Schools by regions which can be done by the Assembly district.  This consolidation will be explained in a future blog. 


 If you are tired of the rudeness of Carl Jacobs you can vote for Chelsea Pohland April 2nd for Seat G at the Anchorage School Board  Dave Donley needs allies to defend teachers and kids because Carl does not care what your kids think.   Remember the Anchorage Teachers Associations cares about top down administrations not teachers and students.  Had Carl supported the Donley plan for education the Anchorage School District would be at a 150 million dollar surplus not a 98 million dollar shortfall.