Monday, August 28, 2023



Here is why Donald Trump needs to drop out of the GOP primary.  If you look at the GOP Primary schedule and the court schedule.  You can not have a nominee who may be running a campaign from a possible jail cell.  We need a nominee who is campaigning and rally not going from court to court.  Here is a link to the National GOP primary schedule then you have the Trump court schedule which is developing which may get in the way of the primary schedule. 

If Biden versus Trump could give us President Harris or Cantwell.  I do not want Kamala Harris or Maria Cantwell as President.  The reason I put Maria Cantwell as a possibility because Harris has too many negatives and Cantwell would be a better choice for a Democrat successor due to Biden not being able to complete 2nd term.  Washington State just like Texas you can run for two offices at the same time. 

Tim Scott is a real conservative who actually energizes Americans who can win over Black America.  He has a story that will help country folk Americans.  


Plus he could actually help Tim Scott be at the top of the ticket as campaigner in chief.  


America was great under Trump and it can be great under Tim Scott.  Unlike Barack Obama who by the way was 50% percent white.  Tim is 100% black remember is the GOP that freed the slaves and Democrats that put them in the plantations.  They also created the KKK.   Tim Scott is a common sense guy.  Vote for common sense.  America wants you as a cheer leader not the nominee.  Put Scott against Biden he wins. 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Suzanne LaFrance is the only person not qualified to be mayor of Anchorage

 The only person not qualified to be mayor is Suzanne LaFrance if she is elected it would put the assembly in charge of both the 8th floor and the 1st floor.  Remember it was Ethan Berkowitz that created this lawlessness by not dealing with it when the Assembly was in his favor.  Dave Bronson has attempted to deal with the problem and this body has refused to deal with it.  They created this crisis by not dealing with the lawlessness crisis which is being disguised as the homeless crisis.