Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Could Chris Tuck end up as the next mayor of Anchorage?




 This article was originally written on August 29th.

The video above is Chris's views on Homeless problem which he has a perspective that we need even fresh eyes on this issue.  Maybe he will adopt what Mayor Bruce Harrell who was elected in 2021 in Seattle who's parents are friends of Quincy Jones. 

Could Chris Tuck become the next mayor of Anchorage here is why.  Chris unlike Suzanne and Dave are on the current Anchorage Assembly scene.  Chris has in the state gone against his party in the legislature by voting for the maximum amount of PFD provided by law.   He will be more like a Mark Begich type of mayor who kept property taxes down. 

Not only will he have Republican support he also has Democrat support as well with people like Elvi Gray-Jackson who served as State Senator and former legislature.  I also believe he could be like Rick Mystrom in 2003 which many conservatives supported him over Wuerch.  Due to a retroactive proposition that lowered the threshold for Mayor to 45 percent plus one that is how Mark Begich was elected without a runoff. 

She and Harriett Drummond who were the Assembly together just Harriet got a 6 year head start in Juneau over Elvi have already endorsed him.  I would not be surprised that Bill Wielechowski who is a State Senator I voted for recently in the 2022 even though I meant to vote for his opponent.  Decides to support him.  I will also be surprise of some members of the current Assembly choose to support him over Suzanne.  I will not be making blog endorsement until probably March.  

Could Tuck end Bronson as mayor we shall see. 

To find out about what Chris Tuck's positions are you may go to his website.  https://tuckformayor.com/