Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Anchorage Mask Mandate as an Ordinance


Next Tuesday, February 9th, the Anchorage Assembly will be taking up issue of putting Anchorage Emergency Order 13 into ordinance no 2021-13

 This ordinance is sponsored by Meg Zaletel, Suzanne LaFrance and Acting Vice Chair John Weddleton.  


Let's examine both sides of this debate


Let's start with the no side.  Those who believe putting on mask is against their rights as a human being.  This prevents them from exercising their freedom to go to places.  Let me tell you when I am outside I see no reason to put on a mask because it fogs peoples glasses and a face shield actually is just as worse in cold temperatures.  This is why have a mask on the Alaska and Washington State Ferries outdoors in the winter months will backfire.  This ordinance just tells the business to stick a sign on the window and it is up to the business to decide to enforce it.  Sometimes when you are talking you sound like adults on Peanuts.  This has also create bullies out of people saying you need to wear a mask or you are a problem

Then lets look at the yes side.  Having a mask indoors makes it safer to go inside a business for other peoples safety.  Some employers require you wear a mask in order to work like my employer at Walmart.  No mask no work.  In Alaska means no extra unemployment and you have to wait for 6 weeks to collect your first unemployment check.  This happened to me in 2011 when a boss who refused to understand her staff fired me as Dispatch Manager at Alaska Yellow Dispatch.  

Here is my recommendation vote yes to put into ordinance then Jamie Allard, Anchorage's lone representative can introduce an ordinance to repeal it.  


Vote no you support allowing a mayor to continue to pick winners and lowers you have to wait for a common sense mayor to remove the ordinances from the books. 



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