Saturday, March 31, 2018

This man would have been 100 years old today

Russell Carter was born on March 31, 1918 in Kearney, Nebraska.  He joined our family by marriage to my maternal grandmother Wanda Swenson in 1976.  They were married for 18 years until his death by stroke on November 26, 1994.  He was fun to be with.  We would cause mischief such as eating donuts and he was comic always had jokes to tell.  One of his favorite jokes where does the smoke go on an electric train.  The answer is there is no smoke on an electric train.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Vote in favor of Anchorage Prop 10 is a vote to increase your electric rates

When you have two electric companies in a city you usually have competition.  In the case of having Chugach Electric buying Anchorage Municipal Light and Power.  You are just consolidating service areas.  These companies do not compete with each other.  The reason your electric rates will increase is because in order to pay to buy off the debt of Anchorage Municipal Light and Power.  You will need to find the revenue somewhere.  That usually comes in higher rates.  As we have found out in the Anchorage taxi industry and other businesses when you have less of a product.  The quality of product goes to hell.  Even if does save taxpayers money it will not save you in money increased electric rate.  Look at your cable bill lately if you are GCI customer good example.  Vote no on Anchorage Proposition 10 you save your money on your light bill. 

Lies about Anchorage Proposition One

For the past two months we have seen Fair Anchorage and ACLU of Alaska try to justify what putting putting peoples privacy in danger of public safety just not to offend anybody.  If a man wants to use the female toilet because they fell comfortable it is okay to do so.  Keeping segregated gender bathrooms is not safer for transgendered people.  Here is the truth no municipal employee will be asking you to drop your pants to show your identity or demand your birth certificate to enter the restroom.  If you have a fake female have two friends that jiggle you will be allow to use the female restroom.  If you are a fake male have no serious breast development you will be allowed to use the males restroom.  These are fear tactics they are using to get you to vote no on Anchorage Proposition One.  Make Anchorage safer circle yes and mail your ballot before April 3rd. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Anchorage Taxicab Owner flipped his permit with weeks after purchase

Anchorage Taxicab Permit no 80 was flipped after purchase within weeks after purchase.  Augusto Alvarado had purchased the permit from Rudolfo Robiana then weeks later when he was not able to lease the permit to a qualified operator.  Augusto had sold his permit to John Omweno who is now the current owner of Anchorage Taxicab Permit no 80.  This was approved unanimously by the Anchorage Transportation Commission on March 27, 2017 meeting.

Anchorage Cab Companies need to require two cabs to respond to a slim jim

Both Anchorage Cab Companies need to require 2 cabs to respond to a Slim Jim.  One cab does the slim jim the other cab for security.  This is in case the customer decides to do funny business versus actually wanting a slim jim. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

No members of the Taxi Industry were at March Anchorage Transportation Commitee Meeting

Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 nobody who was currently employed in the taxi industry attended the March Anchorage Transportation Meeting. A member of the media was present to see if safety was going to be covered but it was not addressed.  Part of the reason is dispatch companies refused to put out information of when they meetings are.  Before February 2011 I made sure that messages were put where the meeting was what time it was so cab drivers would attend.  This meeting was at the Anchorage Permit Center in the conference room.  The only guest were myself and David O'Malley a former cab driver who drives Uber.  Kevin McGee the chair had questioned David about his dealings with Uber.  I had defended the transportation inspector, the commission and their and what the ordinance 2018-06 was suppose to do and it would change the amount of permit or stop.  The commission will examine if more permits are needed.  I suggested the Seattle model which is for 5 Uber and Lyft permits issued a taxi cab permit.  I also suggested the taxi cab industry stop driving a Model T Car and drive a Camaro like Uber and Lyft are driving.  In this proposed ordinance the starting bid for a taxi would be $1425 a year instead $1980 which was the fee back in 2014.  It would eliminate the chauffeur training class and drug testing.  The vehicle would need to be only check twice a year.  

What was approved at the meeting

The transfer of permits of Cab no 57 from Rudolfo Rubiana to Angel Alvarado.

Cab no 80 was transferred twice a separate article will be published based on that.  We had some permit flipping tonight.  First transaction was from Rudolfo Rubiana to Augusto Alvarado.  Then in 2 weeks this is where the permit flipping comes in.  Augusto could not fine some to lease it to so he sold it to John Omweno.  

Cab 87 transfer was cancelled since wrong number was presented and Cab 91 was supposed to the number presented this will be presented at the April meeting.  

Vehicle for hire permits number V145 and V146 were approved from the Turnagain Social Club due to the fact they have increased business at their day care center 

Truth about Anchorage Propostion One

Protect these children from predators

It is time to get the facts out in Anchorage Proposition One what it will do and it will not do.

What this question will do if passed.  It will allow being to question individuals if they enter the wrong gender bathroom.  Here is a fact god made you a specific gender at birth.  You need to except that gender is fact no matter how you alter yourself you will still be that gender.  The liberals wants you think you can changer genders like fish.  

Here is the truth if you want to be a fake female like Jazz Jennings you have the physical features of a fake female you will be allowed to use the female restroom.   No municipal employee will be checking your genitals at the door.  If you want to be Cole be a pretend male and bind your breast take hormone shots just do not shower in the mens restroom until those breast been surgically removed and you have a phallus on you because you are forcing yourself to be raped.  Most boys will question why you can not stand up to pee unless you use a Go Girl device.  No employee will question that. 
What this question is about is protecting children from sexual assault from those who do wish to go into the opposite sex bathroom and there only motive to cause harm.  There are case where that has happened.  Recently we had a case where a fake female attempted to enter the Hope Center was turned away twice.  Here is why Samantha actual name Timothy Coyle.  Here is why she was turned away she showed up drunk a violation of rules regardless of whether of real or fake. She showed up at the wrong times.  No discrimination here move on.  

Here are some cases where a person pretends to be of the opposite sex guess what happened you get assaulted. 

I apologize these new two pictures are graphic in nature I have other links on this issues here is the G rate version and the X rated version. 

The truth is you have female genitals that look like this 
                               You go here

You have male genitals that look like this 
                              You go here

 The story between a genetic girl and her mother
You two girls named Marie and Anna at about age 7 they are in a bathroom together.  Here is the Anna is actually born Andy.  However Marie who is the genetic girl asks her parents today.  She interested herself as Anna but I saw a Twinkie when every girl I know has a small hole their like me.  Her mom says Anna is not really like you.  She is actually a boy instead of a girl.  In fact she has what your older brother has a Twinkie with two walnuts below it that will have cream coming out.   They end having the sex before the sex talk is necessary for child due to this conservation.  Mom has to explain the you have two straws going to two radishes on each side with a pear shape heading to your hole so you can children like I had youEventually you have those two melons in front of you just like your friends that juggle like mine so you can have babies suck on them like you guys did mine. 

   Skeletons of what you will look like if found too far deceased.  Regardless of whether you are transgendered or not. 

This is what you will look like if you are discovered deceased regardless of whether you have become transgendered or not.  Nobody modification will tell you any different.  Here is the truth fake males and fake females can not reproduce.  They are sterile period they are eunuchs.  Cole without a phallus is a Chinese eunuch.  

Do not believe Fair Anchorage argument that Gender Identity are any safer the truth this proposition make you safer.  Please mail your ballot today and vote yes on Anchorage's Prop One.  The No on One people are lying to you period.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Austin Bombing suspect took the cowards way out last Tuesday night in Round Rock

According to Fox News and ABC News the Austin Bomb suspect took the cowards way out at 9pm on Tuesday.  I-35 south of Austin.  You will have to take an alternative route from Round Rock to Austin.  He lived in Pflugerville and he build the bombs possibly at the Red Roof Inn where he took the cowards way out.  His name is Mark Anthony Condon.  He was home schooled and a graduated of Austin Community College.  Austin Police has in my nearly 10 years of profiling this city of an on.  This is one of the most liberal cities in Texas and the state does not allow the cities and municipality to become sanctuary cities.  

Friday, March 16, 2018

Anchorage Taxi Cab Drivers plan to waive the white flag to Uber and Lfyt

Today, Friday, March 16, 2018 and on Tuesday, March 20th they are planning to honk their horns and drive around the Performance Arts Center against the people of Anchorage who voted against their measure in the last municipal election by 58 percent.  The citizens sent a strong message they want better service through competition.  The main idiot behind this is Timothy Huit who Anchorage can not afford the fare as mayor is behind the surrender protest.  They also plan to protest on Tuesday by driving around a long block around the Loussac Library during the Assembly meeting while they are voting on 2018-06 to modernize the industry introduced by Forrest Dunbar to clean up the industry.  He is my assemblyman who I do not agree with politically.  He agrees with the people of Anchorage to people need to approve the customer service and quality through competition.  Come to Performance Arts Center today at 1pm and on Tuesday around 6pm laugh and give these crybabies the one figure salute they deserve.  

The main reason they are protesting their permits went from $150,000 to $6,600 which is where the value should be.  The starting bid for these permits were at $1,980 and the lowest last bid was $6,600.   
Cab driver people have spoken please quit crying and complaining improve service or call Uber or Lyft because in ten years you will be a dinosaur with your kind of talk.