Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Albert Fogle will be a voice for Anchorage taxpayers

Albert before he votes on a budget will be the voice for Anchorage taxpayers.  He will introduce a measure to lower property taxes.  He will also get the budget under control.  He will vote against any spending that is not a need.  When you think your pocket go for Albert for Assembly. 

Felix wants to continue to the Berkowitz agenda on the assembly

Felix Rivera believes that taxes should be higher in order to have enough police protection.  He also wants to bring diversity to the assembly.  We need more common sense on the assembly.  You will not find that in Felix.  Felix will hit the higher tax button if the mayor ask him too.  He also believes his sexuality is why you should elect him.  Midtown and Abbott Loop can not afford Felix. 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Replacing Obamacare Bill will be back in the next two years

Yesterday, March 24, 2017 Congress did not have enough votes to repeal and replace Obamacare.  This bill has been referred back to the Health and Human Service Committee.  This bill return in the next two years in a different form.  This bill may have be several bills to narrow this act to its original purpose to make health care more affordable. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Who will Raggedy Andy Holleman really serve on the Anchorage school board?

Andy Holleman used to be the president of the Anchorage Education Association.  He believes your Permanent Fund Dividend should go for school not in your pocket.  He also is responsible for why the Anchorage School District budget is out of control.  He also raised your property taxes by opposing Anchorage Ordinance 37 in 2013.  Ragged Andy will not represent you on the school board like Vince Beltrami only the special interest will be represented.  He believes that parents should not be involved in a child's education.  He will continue the reckless spending with no accountability on the Anchorage School Board.  To prevent this vote for Kay Pohland Schuster for the School Board. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

New national education policy

When Donald Trump tapped Betsy Devos as education secretary.  This will allow the people to decide where there tax money goes not the NEA.  Money will follow the child this will allow the parents to control their child's education.  School district will have to reduce their administration since they will not have money for it. 

Want to improve Anchorage Public Schools?

Want to take control of your public schools.  Reject NEA candidates James Smallwood and Andy Holleman.  They will only keep the status quo.  Dave Donley and Kay Pohland Schuster will improve the schools by allowing parental involvement.  They will also allow the parents to dictate where the school board's direction.  They will save taxpayers money.  Dave has advocated education savings in the legislature.  Kay has advocated taxpayer savings as a teacher in the school district.  Do not let the NEA choose your school board elect Dave and Kay to the Anchorage School Board. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Spokane's 8th man next campaign against the Spokane City Clouncil

Recently the organizers of Spokane 8th Man have announced a new campaign against the Spokane City Clouncil.  This campaign is called fix the Potholes first.  Then pay for stupid projects like the bridge to Hookerville.  This clouncil wants to keep the auto repair shops happy by not fixing the potholes.  They get business.  Demand you fix the potholes.