Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I am just a book Wasilla Citizens

People in Wasilla have nothing better to do then to object to a book in the library called This is Gay.  It teaches a lifestyle that most people in Wasilla do not share.  Get over it Wasilla.  Library is a place of idea not where you can censor an idea you do not agree with.  Please Wasilla Library board consider that this book may help people in Wasilla who want to have an alternative lifestyle.  If you do not agree with this lifestyle.  Remember you can either buy your books elsewhere or check out something else.  It is not like the library is force you to read the book.  I say "This Book is Gay" stays on the shelf at the Wasilla Public Library.  If this book is in the childrens section then move it to the adult sciences and anatomy areas this will hopefully satisfy critics.  Those that are closed minded that want to ban the book shame you.