Thursday, April 2, 2020

We need to allow restaurants to reopen to dine in service

We need to allow restaurants to reopen to dine in service.  If restaurants can do it separating tables six feet apart or have dine in done by reservations only.  Limit how much time people can eat in.  Maybe 30 minutes while consuming food.  If it is complex food order have it be an hour.  Local health department can give final approval before the restaurant can open for dine in service.  No buffet tables or salad bars.  Let's reopen restaurants for dine in service as soon as possible. 

Austin Quinn Davidson's response to panhandling on private property

Austin Quinn Davidson's response to panhandling on private property.  She believes that criminals have rights to do what they want when they want.  Time West Anchorage and Sand Lake to elect someone who will take criminals down by wrestling them to the ground.  His name is Nick Danger. 
Elect Nick Danger to the Anchorage Assembly and send criminals packing.