Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey Washington small communities needs to consolidate your police forces

Many small Washington communities fell that if the socialist in the Washington State legislature reduce police funding.  Many small communities like Warden in Eastern Washington could consolidate their police force with other cities in the region.  For over ten years now Roslyn, Cle Elum and South Cle Elum have combined their police departments it has provided great coverage for all three cities.  Washington state law requires an incorporated community to have 24 hour police coverage.  Many cities could go like my hometown of North Bend and contract with the County Sheriff.  Warden could contract with the Grant County Sheriff.  Police protection will not be compromise in this way.  Combined city departments actually help strained small town budgets better.

Some Washington Cities are now holding parents responsible for children breaking laws

I am glad that the cities of Mercer Island and Kennewick now have ordinances in place that make the parents responsible if a child decides to commit a crime in their cities.  More Washington cities need to do this.  I wonder if crime in communities of Mercer Island and Kennewick have gone done due involving juveniles since this ordinance has been past.  Please tell your county commission and city council you want to hold parents accountable when a child commits a crime.  Good job Kennewick and Mercer Island for adopting Arkansas tactics in parental responsibility