As of this upcoming at the end of day Thursday, December 5, 2024 the Walgreens located at 7600 Debarr Road will close forever here in East Anchorage. If you do not change your prescriptions they will go automatically be transferred to the 4353 Lake Otis Parkway location at the NE corner of Lake Otis and Tudor location starting December 6th. This closing will not affect the Wendy's in the parking lot. Wendy's will continue to serve customers in East Anchorage will give the restaurant temporarily more parking.
The closing will give East Anchorage less options for drug store needs. If you want to keep your prescriptions in East Anchorage you can transfer your prescriptions to Walmart and Fred Meyer which are not far away.
According to the employees I have talked to no jobs will be lost unless the employee does not want to transfer to other Anchorage locations. If the employee chooses not to transfer they will part ways with company by Walgreens procedure. They will be eligible for rehire due to fact that location close and job was eliminated. Under the State of Alaska are eligible for free job retraining if they choose.