Sunday, January 26, 2014

You know Anchorage School District board members you only have yourselves to blame

You know if the Anchorage School District School board had not listened to a bunch of stupid administrators located at Boniface and Northern Lights and had actually listened to the voters that hired you instead.  We would not be talking about layoff teachers.  We need to fire some administrators and reduce some programs that people did not want ask for.  Remember when you take the federal and state money there are strings attached which is why you say no to that money.  These teacher that got the layoff notices do not ask the Anchorage Education Association to see you can your job they represent top down administrations not the classroom teacher.  They do not want to tell you this.  As one of former supervisors when you point fingers three come back at you.  Teacher you want to save your jobs tell the school to start cutting the fat at Boniface and Northern Lights and not the classroom.  The citizens in Anchorage will find board members who will do that for you.

Anchorage Ordinance 109 kills medical transport taxis in Anchorage

First casualty of Anchorage Ordinance 109.  LifeMed Alaska announced as on January 22, 2014 it will stop medical transportation in Anchorage due to the vehicle for hire.  This has accomplished what it has intended.  I wonder if we will Quick Rides and these other disguised taxi cabs vanish across Anchorage.  I hope so I just want to flip these people off when I see them.  I want to remain professional plus my parent taught me not used profanity unnecessarilyI guess if have medicaid voucher with the new regulations in process of being written call a handicap accessible there are now 11 available.  They should operate 24 hours a day unless a mechanical problem or routine maintenance.  Call Alaska Yellow Cab at (907) 222-2222 or Anchorage Checker Cab at (907) 644-4444 and you can also schedule your time call before 2009 you could do this due to the fact not enough handicap cabs available in the city.  As a former dispatcher at Alaska Yellow Cab from 2004-2011.  I know this for a fact.