Tuesday, November 10, 2015

North Bend voters decided we need new faces on their city council

North Bend voters decided they were not happy with two members of there city council.  They decided to fire the two city council members Dee Williamson and David Cook with two new members Brenden Elwood and Trevor Kostanich in their place.  Hopefully these three newly elected council members will lead North Bend in the right direction keep it the city that people would like to go to. 

Cle Elum will have a new mayor coming next year

Cle Elum voters overwhelmingly elected Jay McGowan to become the next mayor of Cle Elum.  Charlie Glondo choose not to run for reelection.  He won over 100 votes against Jim Eidemiller a long standing councilman who once was the city's police chief.  I believe Cle Elum will do well under Jay's leadership for the next four years.  This blog will be following what decision this guy makes.  He makes the wrong ones this blog will let you know.  Congratulations Jay McGowan in becoming the next mayor of Cle Elum.

Identity convinces Anchorage Assembly to adopt an anti-christian ordinance

Identity a special interest group convinced the Anchorage Assembly on September 29th, 2015 to vote an ordinance against the majority of the citizens to adopt anti christian ordinance.  This ordinance is called AO 2015-96 this ordinance allows people who can go into the bathroom in the gender they identify with versus the gender they are born with it.  This ordinance will allow pedophiles to shield their activity and attack children in a public restroom and pretend they are transgender.  This ordinance also violates the 1st and 4th amendment of the US Constitution by making it so religious schools can not use their doctrine in hiring staff.  Small business can not use their faith to make a business decision.  Anchorage is already a diverse not city this ordinance make it a perverted one.  This ordinance will be repealed at the ballot box on April 2016 along with some assembly member who voted for it like Dick Triani and Paul Honeman.  Please participate in future assembly elections we can repeal this bad law hanging over Anchorage.