Saturday, November 1, 2014

We need to start drilling in the Chukchi Sea now for American Energy Independence

Since we have over 4 billion barrels of oil in the Chukchi Sea we need to start drilling for American energy independence.  The environmentalist with their out of state resumes need to get out of the way take their anti American agenda leave Alaska immediately.  Courts need to dismiss these lawsuits the minute they come in.  We need to develop Alaska's resource be energy independent stop depending on Saudi oil.  Remember environmentalist support ISIS want to continue to wreck the American economy and want to keep us a welfare state.  They also want Alaska to become a national park.  They have hired a local Alaska to do their bidding his name is Forrest Gump Dunbar a Cordova native who believes in the Nancy Pelosi agenda of Alaska National Park.  Be sure to vote for Don Young to make sure that does not happen.  He was handpicked by Nancy Pelosi.