Friday, September 19, 2014

You can think British promises and a smear campaign from London for Scottish Independence defeat

The defeat of the Scottish referendum can be contributed to the British promises of better relations with the Scottish then previously with false promises of a smear campaign from London.  I think the real reason is the United Kingdom did not want to lose their precious Scotland Yard where one of the best investigators are.  Scotland you need to organize with rifles and maybe we can get the Obama administration to give your some of that no longer used military equipment that they seem to sell to police departments for pennies on the dollars.  Scottish need to fight for their destiny.  If this had happened in 1775 in the United States instead of a revolution America would still be part of the British empire.  I hope you morons in London's parliament are happy you still have your precious Scotland.  You better treat her good and respect their differences.  Real Scottish people are not happy to stay in the United Kingdom.  You can also blame gun control for this result had the Scottish like in the movie Braveheart been able to carry arms without heavy regulation.  Scottish Independence could have been done through war instead this ballot box process which is who has the most money wins.  Maybe Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Montana need to declare Independence and become the Oregon nation with the capitol in Oregon City.  United Kingdom enjoy Scotland because they should do not like you.