Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Could Eric Croft be able consolidate School District and Municipal operations?

Eric Croft will have an uphill battle to consolidate school district operations with the municipality.  He has a few allies on the assembly on this idea. Amy Demboski also believes consolidation will save money.  Having the parks department maintain the school district fields this allows School buildings to be open year round as additional recreation centers.  School District has extra plows this could be used to plow snow on residential streets quicker.  Consolidate purchasing departments will save money for both agencies.  Unions will not like it. 

Amy Demboski and Bill Starr only common sense left on Anchorage Assembly

For the next year there will only be two assembly members that will fight for interest of taxpayers that is Amy Demboski and Bill Starr.  The rest have agenda.  Bill Evans could return to this club if he starts acting conservative again.  If you have any idea you are conservative contact Eagle River because Anchorage does not want to listen to common sense

Ethan's dream assembly has been elected

Soon Anchorage Assembly will be taking tips from the Seattle City Council which is to screw the citizen lets promote agendas.  With the election of Eric Croft, John Weddleton and Forrest Dunbar they will be soon looking to Seattle how to do that.  Expect a $15 an hour minimum wage bill to come up.  Expect more bike trails and more traffic on roadways.  More regulations for small business.  Good thing we have the tax cap to prevent them from raising taxes.  No common sense in the assembly for the next year.  Conservative ideas not wanted.