Monday, February 22, 2016

Smart people will vote no on Anchorage road bond in April Municipal election

Smart Anchorage citizens will be voting no on the Anchorage road bond.  Here is why in Proposition 5 contains the Spenard Road project.  This project will not preserve the historical significance of the region.  It will cause more traffic tie up.  This is part of Ethan Berkowitz's plan in his Strategies 360 manifesto.  Anchorage does not need more bike lanes unless the bike community wants to pay for them.  You can preserve the historical significance of this road by voting no on this project.  If my hometown of Snoqualmie did without taxpayer dollars then so can Spenard. The bottom picture is Spenard road.  The two top pictures are pictures of my hometown of Snoqualmie.  Top one is in 2012 the other one was in 1970.