Sunday, August 19, 2018

Hey Eagle River and Chugiak did you know that Dan Saddler vote to increase your taxes

May 8, 2018 Dan Straddler Saddler voted to raise your taxes three times by agreeing that the Permanent Fund Dividend should be reduced.  His response is Eagle River and Chugiak you should pay for expensive budgets in Back in late 1970's Governor Jay Hammond envision that the Permanent Fund Dividend was never to be used as a piggy back for government.  Just like Social Security when created in the 1930's was never created for that purpose.  FDR and Republicans in Congress needed a way to pay for World War II by the 1950's when the people figured that out it was too late.  JFK tried to fix it was shot by the swamp in 1963 before he could implement it.  Had he was able to the Social Security Trust Fund would be in the black by 1970.  Now Dan decided you should pay a tax for the past three years in the amount of $14,516 that could have stabilized the Alaska economy.    Dan also in 2016 voted to raise the crime rate by voting for SB 21.  Now Chugiak and Eagle River would you like to return of 14 thousand dollars.  You can be bold by advancing Lora Reinbold on August 21st.  She hold state workers accountable by addressing crazy spending.  You voted in 2013 to send Amy Demboski to the legislature.  As I have mentioned before Lora is Amy in the legislature.  In 2012 Eagle River sent Lora to the legislature she makes the bureaucrats accountable.  Stay bold by advancing Lora to the Senate.