Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Anchorage Dispatch employees should be required to have safety training

According to AMC 11.40.054 Anchorage dispatch employees must be familiar with emergency notification and their training programs must be approved by the Transportation Commission currently both Anchorage companies Alaska Yellow Cab and Anchorage Checker Cab are not in compliance with this statue.  Their has never been a training plan approved by the Anchorage Transportation Commission by both companies.  We require that cab driver must take a course to familiar with Title 11 this is not done by the dispatch companies.  The training is pretty you throw them on without a test.  They should be required to take the test but must have 80% in order to be able to dispatch a cab.  Safety is the most important in this business.  It seems that Alaska Yellow Cab management for the last seven years has never cared about.  It is not just Regina Doyle but Ron Lane as well.