Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Biden sweeps the Texas Primary

Joe Biden took his biggest prize last night that is Texas.  This now gives him 7 southern states that he has won now. 

Sanders sweeps Colorado Primary

Tonight, March 3rd, 2020, Bernie Sanders has swept the Colorado primary.  I guess give him a Coors Beer for victory. 

Maine Democrat Primary is too close to call for either Biden or Sanders

Is it too close to call for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in the Maine Democrat Primary.  Right now Joe Biden is narrowly leading Bernie Sanders right now. 

Biden wins in five states, three states in the south and in Massachusetts and Minnesota

Joe Biden has won in five additional state primaries tonight they are 3 states in South and 2 other traditional Democrat states.  The three states in the South are Tennessee, Arkansas and Alabama this now gives him the winning six states in the south now.  He also won in Minnesota this is a traditional Democrat stronghold and also won in Massachusetts another traditional Democrat stronghold. 

Sanders sweeps Utah Primary

Bernie Sanders swept the Mormon state of Utah tonight he will probably win other states tonight. 

Biden sweeps the North Carolina Primary

Joe Biden has swept the North Carolina Democrat Party primaries this gives him three southern states now.  We shall see how this goes tonight

Sanders sweeps his adopted home state of Vermont Primary

Bernie Sanders sweeps his adopted home state of Vermont from Joe Biden will he win other states tonight we shall see. 

Biden sweeps Virginia and Oklahoma Primaries

Joe Biden has won two primaries so far they are Oklahoma and Virginia we will see how the rest of the night goes.  He will probably win more before the night is over.