Thursday, February 7, 2019

Anchorage's Sand Lake and Turnagain needs to send Liz Vasquez to the Assembly

Anchorage needs an assembly member who will provide law and order on the assembly.  She opposes SB 91 and has exposed the overspending of medicaid dollars in Alaska's health care system.  She will draw the line of spending and pledges to lower your property taxes.  She is a person we need on the assembly.  Elect Liz Vasquez for Assembly when you get your mail in ballot. 

Eagle River and Chugiak needs to make their choice for Assembly Crystal clear

Eagle River and Chugiak you need to make your choice for Assembly Crystal clear.  She if elected would provide a balance against Kameron Perez-Verdia if elected.  When on the school board she represented conservative ideas.  She identifies with the people of the area.  Unlike the current seat holder Gretchen Wremhoff who does not identify with the people of the area.  She will listen to you.