Sunday, October 29, 2017

Write in Susie Weis for Fire District Commissioner

Those that live in Unincorporated Kittitas County around Roslyn.  You have a hard working businesswoman who is an activist in her community.  She also has had experience with the local firefighters of local fire district 6.  We need a firefighter on the commission as a son of a local retired firefighter from fire district 7 it is better to have local firefighter in charge of decisions of the local fire district.  Susie will make decisions that will benefit the community and the protect the community by acting in the firefighters interest.  Mail in your ballot by Writing in Susie Weis for Kittitas County Fire District 6 commissioner for effective change and a fresh voice for the areas firefighting needs.  Susie will work hard for you.  

Fire Commissioner write in candidate barred from speaking at local political forum

Recently last Thursday the Roslyn Chamber of Commerce put on a political forum featuring candidates from races in the local area.  Susie Weis a write in candidate had ask for some time to present her case in why she should be Fire Department Commissioner.  She was told because her opponent did not show it would not fair for her to mention her case for this position.  Was it due to time constraints.  They allowed Leah Hadfield another write-in candidate to speak of why she should be on the local city council.  Now isn't this local chamber support promote economic tourism of the local area.  Does areas outside of the Roslyn matter to Roslyn.  Why was a candidate for a local fire district not allowed to speak?  Isn't the name of the local chamber called Kittitas County Chamber not the Roslyn Chamber Chamber of Commerce.  I think the organizers owe Susie an apology.  When Roslyn firefighters are overwhelmed do firefighters from the local county fire district help out.  I believe they do.  Do county residents not matter to this chamber.  Do people in Ronald and Salmon La Sac not shop in Roslyn I believe they do.  I think people who are members of this chamber and this community where denied to ability who would let the future of Fire District 6.  This chamber did a disservice.  Roslyn is a community I love.  It is time this community's chamber show respect to its residents.