Sunday, September 8, 2019

If East Anchorage elected Liz Snyder would taxed families almost $5000 this year

Last year I gave this woman my vote.  I realized that I voted for Liz by emotion instead supporting the incumbent Lance Pruitt.  She lost by only 181 votes which this blog got her there while she was eating Beltrami sandwiches on the side.  Lance after paying attention actually voted against taxing his residence an additional $4,560 for a family of 4 which.  Liz would have costed East Anchorage families by voting to cap the permanent fund dividend at $1600 so her special friends could get funded.  Liz cares more about her friends at the University over efficiency.  This was not what she told during the campaign she wanted to bring transparency and efficiency to state government.  I am glad that East Anchorage choose Lance or Liz because.  East Anchorage needs a representative who is tough on crime and will be fiscally responsible.  This blog will not endorse this liar again.  I hope she rethinks challenging Lance Pruitt because this blog has the final say who represents East Anchorage and Stuckagain Heights.  Liz not ready to represent anyone in the state house.  Liz is a great mom but not at the state house.