Friday, February 28, 2014

Anchorage can handle 30 new taxi permits a year improve quality of taxi services

Anchorage can handle 30 new taxi permits without killing the reputation of the current taxi fleet.  Anchorage is in a state of emergency is under the amount of taxi cab permits needs to stabilize an industry.  Let's start next transportation commission meeting approve one permit at the vehicle for hire permit price of $1,375 a piece.  Competition is required in order to maintain an industry. Plus for you who are the members of the Anchorage lower the quality of cab service in Anchorage Permit Owner Association.  Your wonderful friends at Communist Seattle City Council on the March 10th meeting have will be recommending that in a two year idea to approve 100 permits a year.  You think that the Ossainder proposal of up to 10 permits a year was a problem the Marion proposal is 30 cab permits a year.  That is 1-3 permits a meeting.  Remember Anchorage is in a state of emergency must be approved in a vehicle for hire price.  

Seattle Communist Council has decided to cave into special interest through committee

Yesterday, February 27, 2014 the Seattle Communist Council decided to cave into the special interest and put restrictions on Uber, UberX and Sidecar which do a better job transporting passenger than the Seattle do not take a shower cab driver.  The Seattle Taxi drivers were able to pressure the communist and socialist on the Seattle City Council to limit free enterprise.  I will tell you this is wrong.  Freedom and Communist Seattle City Council do not mix on Monday, March 10th you have a chance to go to City hall say please free us from your commie hands.