Monday, July 20, 2020

Pop goes the Cathy Giessel has taxed you Anchorage Hillside and Muldoon

Pop goes the Cathy Giessel has taxed you Anchorage Hillside and Muldoon in the past five years for the amount over $30,000 for a family of four.  You need to fire this individual and replace her with Roger Holland in the Republican Primary for Senate District N.  To remedy this you need to support Roger Holland in the August 18th Republican Primary. 

Shock the state party establishment and vote for Moreno-Hinz and Holland in state senate primary

Voters in Alaska Senate District N which covers Muldoon and Anchorage Hillside could buck the party establishment and advance two awesome people they are Roger Holland on the Republican side and Lynette Moreno-Hinz on the Democrat side.  

First let me tell you about the Democrat candidate I have known her since 2004 when I first started working for Alaska Yellow Cab as a Yellow Cab driver and have developed a friendship even though we do not see eye to eye on a political issues.  You could talk to her like a human being and have a beer with her.  She will be drinking Dr. Pepper she does not drink alcohol.  She unlike most Democrat candidates believe you should have your full PFD and is she is pro life and if she advances in the primary will be the best person to run against Giessel a PFD grabber will get support from both parties.  She also is a lifelong Alaskan and a cab driver.  

In the Republican race Roger Holland is the best choice he will pledge to protect your PFD and is a military veteran and does not believe in binding caucuses will vote the way his district wants him to vote.  He will listen to you not the special interest.  

Both these candidates will not tax you extra money.  Cathy Giessel voted to tax you about $31,000 in the past five years for a family of four as your state senator for not granting a full PFD.

You can either grab the Republican ballot and vote for Roger or grab the everybody else ballot and vote for Lynette Moreno-Hinz shock the party elites and vote for Alaska.