Saturday, April 16, 2016

What Bernie Sanders will not tell you what he really wants for America

Bernie Sanders rally against the 1 percent.  Here is the problem he is a member of this club.  He does not want to you participate in what he has taken part of.  He is a what we call you a hippocrates.  He wants to triple the deficit with his ideas of education, free college for everybody.  Here is the real reason the drug prices are the way they are government is the biggest consumer get the government out of the drug buying business prices go down.  His taxation politics will hurt the middle and lower classes.  He calls Hillary Clinton a hippocrate refuses to understand he benefits from the same things.  Buying raising the minimum wage to $15 hours will give America a higher unemployment rate.  Higher unemployment wage gives more social benefits to the people.  Higher government benefits less choice is what he wants everybody to have a part time job.  No full time jobs if Bernie is president.  Democrats want economic disaster. 

Here is an idea municipalities on utilties

Instead of having contracts having the lowest bid in stuff like garbage service, cable service, water and sewer service.  Allow for competition.  Let the customer choose instead the government decide who provide the service to the community they serve.  Who provide the best quality has the most customers.  Competition keeps prices down.  Government keeps prices high.  Right now cities like Coeur d'Alene are having to bid on garbage services allowing a monopoly for a utility.  Customer choice is better than a monopoly.