Saturday, March 21, 2020

Biden wins Arizona Democrat Primary

We put the Arizona Democrat Primary in the Joe Biden column.  By the way the latest delegate count is 1187 for Joe Biden and 887 for Bernie Sanders they are only 300 delegates away from each other.  It is still Bernie Sanders to have.  Go Bernie Go. 

Coronavirus will benefit Donald Trump reelection

Sorry Democrats Donald Trump will be the victory of this outbreak not the Democrats.  History has shown us you do not change the commander of chief during times of war.  That is why Bush 43 was reelected in 2004, Nixon in 1972, Johnson in 1964, Eisenhower in 1956, Truman in 1948, FDR in 1936, 1940 and 1944, Reagan in 1984 and Obama in 2012.  The reason Bush 41, Ford and Carter were not reelected they were cowards and refused to be leaders.  Trump will be reelected in 2020 even by greater numbers than Reagan. 


Nevada State Dictator in Chief Steve Silolak has ordered non essential business shut or face fines and police action.  This action is against the US Constitution.  According to the US Constitution no government official has the right to declare martial law.  Rumor has it that Berkie the socialist is planning on doing that here in Anchorage that is against the US Constitution.  Do not worry this American reporter will continue to report the truth even if it means I have to commit a few misdemeanors to do it.