Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is the Occupy movement hiding fugitives

Is the Occupy movement hiding fugitives from justice.  Three months ago a stalker was demonstrating at Occupy Seattle and Occupy Portland could very well be hiding child rapists.  Every profile I have been watching on America's Most Wanted looks like a Occupy Portland demonstrator.  Portland Police Bureau please check your cold cases then you will probably find your suspect at Occupy Portland.

Child sexual criminal charged predators should not be allowed bail

Child sexual predators that are arrested should not be allowed to post bail unless their is no conviction.  A lot these suspects do not show up in court and skip town then they end up on Washington's Most Wanted and America's Most Wanted.  For the protection of child please tell your state legislator to not allow bail for child sexual criminal charged defendant they should have to stay in jail til their court dates.  I know this may go against the constitution by saying guilty before innocent.  This for the protection of children.  Once they are convicted if they murder a child if the state has a death penalty then they should have a three year minimum on death row.  Their allowed should be ahead of other inmate appeals to fast track the process towards their execution.