Friday, February 28, 2014

Anchorage can handle 30 new taxi permits a year improve quality of taxi services

Anchorage can handle 30 new taxi permits without killing the reputation of the current taxi fleet.  Anchorage is in a state of emergency is under the amount of taxi cab permits needs to stabilize an industry.  Let's start next transportation commission meeting approve one permit at the vehicle for hire permit price of $1,375 a piece.  Competition is required in order to maintain an industry. Plus for you who are the members of the Anchorage lower the quality of cab service in Anchorage Permit Owner Association.  Your wonderful friends at Communist Seattle City Council on the March 10th meeting have will be recommending that in a two year idea to approve 100 permits a year.  You think that the Ossainder proposal of up to 10 permits a year was a problem the Marion proposal is 30 cab permits a year.  That is 1-3 permits a meeting.  Remember Anchorage is in a state of emergency must be approved in a vehicle for hire price.  

Seattle Communist Council has decided to cave into special interest through committee

Yesterday, February 27, 2014 the Seattle Communist Council decided to cave into the special interest and put restrictions on Uber, UberX and Sidecar which do a better job transporting passenger than the Seattle do not take a shower cab driver.  The Seattle Taxi drivers were able to pressure the communist and socialist on the Seattle City Council to limit free enterprise.  I will tell you this is wrong.  Freedom and Communist Seattle City Council do not mix on Monday, March 10th you have a chance to go to City hall say please free us from your commie hands.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Northeast Portland residents do not want serial flashers in their neighborhood

Hey serial flasher.  Northeast Portland residents no longer want you around.  I have sent Green Teenager Barista Crime Fighter on a mission to fight against this serial flasher.  She has a 50 pounds of virtual Twix flavored Mocha for this suspect.  The suspect you are looking for is a White man in his 30's or 40's who is about 5 ft 9 inches tall to 6 feet tall with a heavy or medium build.  He has lately been hanging around the Beaumont Middle School area.  These pre-teens and teenagers do not want to piece of garbage around.  This slimeball needs to be caught if you see this piece the garbage please call the Portland Police Bureau and let them dispose this piece of trash in the Multnomah County Jail where that piece of garbage belongs.  Call 911 or the Portland Police Bureau at (503) 823-3333.  Because we need this piece of garbage caught tonight. 

Most Alaskans favor school choice do not tell Alaska Democrats, NEA-Alaska or Anchorage Education Association

It is a fact that most Alaskans want school choice but the Alaska Democrats and special interest group like Anchorage Education Association, NEA-Alaska want you believe that they need all the state funded money when the taxpayers should choose how money is spent.  Mitt Romney during his 2012 Presidential run said the money should follow the student.  If you home school then you should not have the school district portion of your property tax.  If your child goes a private school that portion of your property tax should go to that school not the local school district.  Let's stop listening to the special interest like the National Education Association-Alaska and Anchorage Education Association which support top heavy administrations not the teachers.  Most Alaska teachers support school choice the unions are like the Anchorage Permit Owner they lie.  Please support SJR 9 most Alaskans support this only the Alaska Democrat and special interest like NEA-Alaska, ACLU (Americans for Communism Lunatics United) and NAACP which actually stands for National Advancement for Communist Persons.  They are saying we support Martin Luther King, Jr he support school choice for all. 

Extending Elmore through the University campus will save lives for Anchorage's Eastside and Mtn View residences

The university road will save lives for Anchorage Eastside and Mountain View Alaskan natives going to the Alaskan Native medical center will cut the response time by five minutes.  The people that are against are Alaska Pacific University students, granola crunching environmentalist, University of Alaska Anchorage students when a People Mover bus route could go right through Alaska Pacific University just like University of Alaska Anchorage and these students could have parking lot access to the Student Arts instead of having to walk a 1/2 mile to the UAA Fine Arts Building.  This road will also save $5-$7 in a taxi cab fare for Anchorage taxi customer.  Already since Martin Luther King, Jr and Elmore Road have been extended and have saved South Anchorage residence lives to the hospital.  Anchorage taxi customers have saved $10-15 from East Anchorage and South Anchorage by avoiding Lake Otis and Tudor Rd.  I have recommendation keep the name Bragaw Street north of Northern Lights or rename Elmore Bragaw Street which was the original name of the road.  Bragaw Street is a traditional name for the Mountain View neighborhood you imagine the Mountain View Red Apple address being 131 S Elmore Road. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pedophiles should be immediately put in a lifetime commitment center upon conviction

Every state needs to have a pedophile permanent commitment center.  Once the pedophile is convicted they need to sentenced for life with never a possibility of parole.  We do not need to have these citizens go beyond three square meals a day and a jail cell.  They may stay until their body gives out by nature no health care allowed.  The only way they can get out this center is a false confession of the victim or bad DNA evidence.  The public must be protected from this class.  Permanent commitment on conviction takes care of it.  They also say pedophilia is a mental illness.  Please tell your state legislature you want permanent commitment of all pedophiles.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Treasonist Secretary of State Kerry wants Obamacare the health care policy for the world

Treasonist Secretary of State yesterday Sunday, February 16, 2014 in Jakarta, Indoeasia told everybody that climate change is real we need to stop using fossil fuels and should pay higher cost for fuels.  Should walk everywhere and use less gasoline.  He also suggested the world should adopt Obamacare as the world health care policy.  Less jobs for workers in the world.  More abortion clinic to get rid of the children who should not be born.  It is nice we have a Secretary of State that is a treasonist against America.

Americans are asking congress and US Senate to pass national voter ID legislation

Americans are asking for congress and the US Senate to pass national voter ID legislation.  This makes sure that your vote only counts one time and political parties can not stuff.  The argument this would disenfranchise voters is garbage.  Let's see you need ID to cash a welfare check, get a birth certificate lets see to have taxes prepared by a volunteer if you file.  Yes even welfare clients are required by law to file a tax return you must claim your SSI benefits they are taxable something else the caseworker does not tell you.  Why not require an ID to vote to make sure you are you.  Voting is not different and since it is easy to get a picture ID you have to use to identify yourself to get on a plane and places ask for it to get cigarettes and beer.  Voting should be the same.  People say voting is a right so me having a beer but I have to show ID to prove I am over 21 even thought I am twice that age physically.  Just show your ID you get to vote no different then what you have to do cash a welfare check. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Washington Redskins have a message for Washington's Junior US Senator Maria Cantwell

Hey Washington State Junior US Senator Maria Cantwell the Washington Redskins an NFC East team has a message for you.  Please leave us alone and let us be us.  Our name does not offend anybody.  We may be a threat to the Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles.  But we are not a threat to anyone else.  We have a been existence since 1932 as the Boston Braves then for the next three seasons at the Boston Redskins then we moved to DC we also won three championships and three super bowls.  Please Maria Cantwell lets us be us you need to quit kowtowing to a bunch of special interest because no Washington State tribe has harmed by my name.  I have a okay quarterback, great fans and an awesome new coach.  Please congress you have other issues and my football teams names is not one of them.  Get to work and stop causing me a problem thanks the Washington Redskins.  Update since the Republicans took control of the US Senate this is an issue that will not be even given playtime. 

Bad weather conditions will always catch major Pacific Northwest cities off guard

Many Pacific Northwest communities during a major snow storm will be caught off guard this also includes Alaska's major city of Anchorage.  We also have major critics who always are critical of any city leadership.  Now Seattle on the other hand since the communist leadership will always spend money on stupid stuff.  Remember city hall of Seattle is the Great Wheel where the politicians gather regularly to gamble your tax money.  When one snow flake falls the city just surrenders and closes shop.  Most cities will have a emergency plow plan usually they plow the major streets, bus routes and then the school bus routes.  Usually sidewalks are done at the same time then the residential streets however this is where the homeowner or someone who is a caring citizen needs to plow the sidewalks on their streets.  No city worker can tell not to plow your sidewalk in front of your street especially in Seattle where the DOT is headquartered in a doughnut shop.  Please be patient, grin and bear as we say in Alaska just wing it and enjoy the weather.  Wear Ice skates and walk slow and hope you do not injure yourself a fall may not hurt you.  Gee if that is the case most of us kids would have not lived past five years of age due to bad weather conditions.  If your bus is late go out early be prepared just in case if your school or child's school is cancelled just enjoy the day off if you have to stay home from work most states most employers will not fire you for taking a day for putting your children first.  If they do they are a piece of crap employer and you do not need to be working for them anyways and hopefully they will have an out of business in front of their business shortly.  Most employers understand that children and family comes first.  Message to you TriMet critics back off this is not the time to shout your dislikes right now. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hey Alaska Govenor Parnell and Alaska State Legislators export our water from glaciers to California

Hey Alaskan legislators and Governor Sean Parnell the late Wally Hickel during the 1990's suggested this and I read this in the Spokesman-Review while I was attending college at Spokane Falls had proposed that we tap our glaciers and start selling our water to places like California and Hollywierd got upset because they thought we were destroying the earth when the truth we were exporting a resources.  You know these environmentalist along with Liberal democratic US Senators like Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, Jeff Merkeley, Barbara Boxer and Diane Fienstein think that Alaska should continue to be a welfare state and does not understand the 10th amendment of the US Constitution which says we can develop our resources as we see fit.  Dwight David Eisenhower a president who did not take a pension after service when he signed Alaska's statehood on January 3, 1959 he said Alaska can choose its destiny stop treating us like a colony or part of Washington State we sought a divorce from our home state one of few US Senators that voted against Alaska statehood  the others were California and Oregon.  California you are thirsty by the way I have an old boss who produces water from a glacier who would we willing to sell to you tomorrow.  Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski promote Alaska and tell these others that Alaska needs to continue to develop its resources and allow Alaska to sell its water to thirsty Californians the Late Wally Hickel and Ted Stevens will be rejoicing in the heavens if you do this.  Please California buy our water it is pure and Hollywierd our glaciers will not vanish into the sunset as the communist from the Alaska Center from the Environmental would like to believe and also allow us to develop.  I do not why us Alaskans have to ask to develop our own land the Alaskan Natives and Native Americans did not only god decides not a bunch of commie obstructions from three western states one that needs to be fired by Oregonians named Jeff Merkeley.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Unaffordable Health Care will cause more unemployment in America

The Affordable Health Care Act really called the Unaffordable Health Care Act.  This is Hawaii type of health care reform throughout the nation.  Hawaii requires that you pay health insurance for jobs higher than 19 hours a week.  President Obama and the Democrats believe you should do this nationwide they passed it in 2010.  The nationwide health care law also has a welfare clause in it which if you make less than the poverty level it will be subsidized by the taxpayer.  This will continue to slow the economy.  Remember the liberal democrats want the recovery to be at the residential speed limit of 25 miles an hour and most American would rather have it been the German autobahn.  This law needs to scaled back   and replaced or gutted.  If an employer wants to keep a worker they will provide a health care coverage you can not mandate business and continue to kill small business.  Small business can not afford high premium health insurance.  They say this will reduce the deficit will do the opposite but the truth and socialism do not mix.

Please leave the Washington State Insurance Commissioner intact

Recently Randi Becker a state senator from Eatonville a great town near Northwest Trek a great park that should feature endangered Republicans and Democrats and should release the animals.  She has proposed with SB 6458 which would replace the Insurance commissioner with a 10 member board especially with dictator Inslee at the helm of sinking SS Washington State.  Ten names and unless two of those come from Eastern Washington have a bunch bureaucrat commissioners control Washington State health care decisions where a commissioner elected by the people is better for this state.  I remember two years ago when Governor Christie Gregiore wanted to replace the Superintendent of Public Instruction with a cabinet appointed people started virtually throwing marijuana bongs at the Governors Mansion and she caved in and withdrew the proposal the truth this blog was her problem.  Well miss Senator Randy Becker now you get the wrath of blog please for the sake of citizens withdraw this bill.  Just because Mike Kriedler supports Obamacare does not mean you eliminate his position.  Many conservative host like my friend Rick Rydell who has no competition in Spokane afternoon drive on KXLY thinks that Washington State has too many elected positions here is the truth more elected positions instead of appointed bureaucrats holds people accountable.  Insurance Commissioner Mike Kriedler answers to the voters not a bunch of bureaucrats.  Also Eastern Washington will get shafted in this bill unless we put in here that Eastern Washington like unconstitutional Growth Management passed by a GOP lead majority controlled former late state senator Jeanette Hayner had passed SB 2929 in 1990 which put two member in the Growth Management board which took effect in 1992.  Stuff like this should be done by an initiative not a legislative board that what I criticize Governor Christie Gregiore for too.  Please call the Washington State Legislature at (800) 562-6000 and State Senate tell them to vote against SB 6458 to keep accountable for the insurance industry to the people not a bunch of unelected bureaucrats.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Unique stats about Super Bowl 48 this year

Okay Super Bowl 48 will go into the books that are very unique and some of it was not talked about.  Both teams from 1977-2002 Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks were in the same division the AFC West which had five teams instead of four those were the Seahawks, Chargers, Raiders and Broncos all were rivals.  In 2002 the NFL decided that Seattle Seahawks to run away from the AFC West where the Denver Broncos never gave anyone else a chance this formed three new rivalries only one has taken off the one between the Seattle Seahawks and San Francisco 49ers.  In this division would be the Arizona Cardinals however in order for them to really go after the Legion of Boom of the Seattle Seahawks.  You have to swap quarterbacks with the Denver Broncos that is right send Peyton Manning to even a warmer climate to the Arizona Cardinals or depending on the health of Sam Bradford however Kellen Clemmens could be a future quarter for Saint Louis Rams or could get Peyton or if Denver really wanted to gamble and maybe not make the Super Bowl in the near future Super  Bowl do a swap with the 49ers and send Peyton to San Francisco.  Yes sending Peyton to the NFC West gives him plenty of time to study the Seahawks Legion of Boom gets to play them twice.  Both states have approved what they called marriage equality and they also legalize pot for recreation use.  Colorado did a more free market approach and Washington State will have the liquor control board control it.  Parts of this will violate the 2nd amendment have a pot license can not own a firearmby a federal regulation again unconstitutional.