Friday, April 6, 2018

Anchorage Municipal Clerk's office took the day off Thursday

Yesterday on Thursday the Municipal Clerk's office took the day off and did not count ballots that have been received in the office.  There was no update in the vote totals yesterday.  Right now Ethan Berkowitz is ahead by 19 points over Rebecca Logan in the Anchorage Mayor's race.  I believe this race will tighten still be in Ethan's favor.  Prop 1 is not decided will flip to the yes side eventually.  Prop 2-11 are still passing.  Anchorage School District prop 2 was at 70 percent in favor on election night and on Wednesday was only 59 percent in favor.  We have a school board race that is still close to call between Tasha Hotch and Alisha Hilde.  Alisha is currently two points ahead this could still go either way.  There are only two winners from Tuesday, April 3, 2018 election that is Deena Mitchell and Elisa Snelling for the Anchorage School.  Please call (907) 243-VOTE demand they count all the ballots that are received the minute they come in.