Wednesday, February 17, 2016

We need to plan a Alaska state budget on $10 a barrel

It is time we plan a Alaska state budget based on $10 a barrel.  If there is extra revenue it gets put in a rainy day for a lean budget year and put to increase permanent fund dividends that year.  No extra stuff that are not needed.  Municipalities need to learn to take care of themselves not depending on the state footing the bill.We need to reduce services requires some welfare recipients to pay their own way.  Basic education for school funding and then the local taxpayers of a school district must pick up the rest. 

Amy Demboski unlike other municipal leaders gives a message to state lawmakers

While the majority of state lawmakers are going to Juneau asking for free goodies.  I think she decided to sneak in her suitcase a meat cleaver to give to lawmakers. She is saying cut the fat may give Anchorage what they really want is tax rebate instead having Fairbanks and the rest of the state pay it stuff we do not need.  This is why Eagle River and Chugiak you need to keep this lady.  We need this more in our lawmakers instead of please of give me.  State coffers are not meant go to irresponsible school boards like the Anchorage School District.  Most members of the Alaska Municipal League are asking for a state income tax.  Many lawmakers want a portion of your permanent fund dividend to fund state government.  Cut services which there is plenty there.  Chugiak and Eagle River voters vote to reelect Amy Demboski on April 5th.