Sunday, October 8, 2017

Planned Parenthood and Public Broadcasting will survive without federal funding

If you search this blog under Public Broadcasting I call for government to stop fund this media.  Planned Parenthood can also survive without public funding.  Here is the truth even though the Democrats, AARP and other liberal special interest will not tell you is.  Federal funding only consist of less than 10 percent of the total budget of these organizations.  Public Broadcasting and Planned Parenthood are mostly funded by private donations and endowments.  Clinics will not shut down due to lack of funding and Public TV will not go to test pattern if funding goes away.  To save taxpayers money let the consumer make donations to public broadcasting and Planned Parenthood.  Why should I have to pay for family planning services and a broadcasting network.  Planned Parenthood will still provide services for female and male patients at a reduced cost due to charter organization model which based on income of individual.  Lack of or no funding will no change the services of this organization.  Public Broadcasting will continue to provide quality program without federal funds and news coverage that other networks can not provide.  I do not pay for CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC News why should I pay for NPR and PBS News.  If PBS and NPR do not have federal funding they can actually do quality news better not on taxpayers dime. 

Democractic lawmakers needs to understand that Affordable Care Act must be actually affordable

Democrat lawmakers need to understand that since the Unaffordable Care Act was passed in 2010.  Health Insurance premiums have not decreased without subsidies from the taxpayer.  If you save taxpayers allow more competition in this network and allow people to buy insurance across state lines this will lower premiums.  This will really help in border places like in Eastern Oregon could buy insurance from an Idaho retailer or a North Idaho customer buy insurance from a Spokane insurance agent since most North Idaho people go to Spokane then Boise for services.  Competition lowers prices the current model does not allow for competition and insurance premiums have tripled under the exchange system.  Quit defending this act that have tripled premiums.  The current act requires funding to places like Planned Parenthood which could survive without federal funding.