Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Outside Special Interest Groups have no place in a municipal mayors race

Today, March 4, 2014 when I went to check my digital paper of the Alaska Dispatch News.  I saw that an Americans for Prosperity ad against Ethan Berkowitz slandering him on his spending policies.  Yes Ethan has a liberal spending record while he was in the legislature.  He also has no experience in municipal government.  These national special interest groups need to stay out of the Anchorage municipal mayors.  Let his opponents point out the flaws in Ethan's record.  Groups like Americans for Prosperity needs to stay out this race. 

Anchorage just not need to privatize garbage collection lets include the utilities too

Anchorage taxpayers can save a lot of money by privatizing a lot of services.  Recently Mayor Sullivan has proposed selling Solid Waste Services.  Here are some other services that need to be privatized Anchorage Waste Water Utility, Municipal Light and Power.  Getting the utilities out of the government hands will give rate payers a break.  It also will install competition bring down the price.  Now privatizing any government utility does require a vote of the people.