Friday, September 13, 2013

Spokane's Main Avenue two way proposal would be a rotten idea unless you have Spokane Falls Blvd become a two way as well

Spokane's Main Avenue two way proposal is a rotten idea unless you make Spokane Falls Blvd a two way street as well.  As someone who worked at Spokane Opera House and Convention Center from 1992-1995 as a janitor.  I lived in Spokane from 1991-1998 when I returned to Alaska.  Now I am bring Spokane type of taxi reform to Anchorage.  This would be a traffic nightmare that would increase congestion.  For this to really work you would need to shorten the land the Spokane Public Library stands on.  You would have to move Abraham Lincoln statue across the street.  You would have to create a roundabout at Monroe/Main/Spokane Falls Blvd take some land away from the federal courthouse to make this work.  Best idea leave this street as it now.  Traffic will flow much better.  There was a reason the Spokane planners did this was to make traffic flow faster.  This would increase congestion and actually make it harder to traffic to move in Downtown Spokane.  Now if the Cowles Family would not object to Riverside being a one way street going east in front their newspaper this could work too.  But do not get that started unless you Stacey Cowles coming to city call pretending he is the king and the citizens are the little people.  Since we are the little people of Spokane.  Please tell the Spokane City Council leaves this alone.  Plus we to allow more business at Boots Bakery this proposal will make it harder for Boots to stay in business.