Monday, February 17, 2014

Treasonist Secretary of State Kerry wants Obamacare the health care policy for the world

Treasonist Secretary of State yesterday Sunday, February 16, 2014 in Jakarta, Indoeasia told everybody that climate change is real we need to stop using fossil fuels and should pay higher cost for fuels.  Should walk everywhere and use less gasoline.  He also suggested the world should adopt Obamacare as the world health care policy.  Less jobs for workers in the world.  More abortion clinic to get rid of the children who should not be born.  It is nice we have a Secretary of State that is a treasonist against America.

Americans are asking congress and US Senate to pass national voter ID legislation

Americans are asking for congress and the US Senate to pass national voter ID legislation.  This makes sure that your vote only counts one time and political parties can not stuff.  The argument this would disenfranchise voters is garbage.  Let's see you need ID to cash a welfare check, get a birth certificate lets see to have taxes prepared by a volunteer if you file.  Yes even welfare clients are required by law to file a tax return you must claim your SSI benefits they are taxable something else the caseworker does not tell you.  Why not require an ID to vote to make sure you are you.  Voting is not different and since it is easy to get a picture ID you have to use to identify yourself to get on a plane and places ask for it to get cigarettes and beer.  Voting should be the same.  People say voting is a right so me having a beer but I have to show ID to prove I am over 21 even thought I am twice that age physically.  Just show your ID you get to vote no different then what you have to do cash a welfare check.