Thursday, June 21, 2012

If a person put up false allegations against a public person

If a person trump a false accusation against a public person.  They should be required to pay for a one page ad in daily newspaper or 5 30 second radio commercials or 2 30 second television ads to apologize to the official.  If a national official they must buy advertising on one major network and one cable network like MTV.  If it is a political party they must purchase time on the opposition cable network.  If it is a Democrat you must purchase time on Fox News and Republican you have use MSNBC.

Municipal Fire Departments should charge people and business for responding to a false alarm

Recently their is a debate in the Bend City Council about charging people when they respond to a false alarm.  Let's say they can have one freebee a year then after that $500 the first time then $1000 each time after that within a year.  The main reason is because when a fire department has to be respond to a false alarm this takes time away from important emergencies that could delay someone getting care because the fire department is going to a false alarm call.  Plus most fire departments if the business is closed have to wait for the person to arrive to shut off the alarm.  Please support municipalities to find business and residences when they respond to a false alarm.  This should also go for a false 911 call if they do not call the dispatch before the first responders get their.