Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Who does Pete Petersen really represent East Anchorage not you?

For the past twelve year East Anchorage Assemblyman has convinced voters that he has always been on your side.  Time for some truth serum.  Pete has only served East Anchorage on the assembly at the pleasure of Anchorage's unofficial mayor Vince Beltrami Sandwich who serves him these sandwich during Assembly breaks.  I hear these Sandwich contain cash.   

Beltrami sandwich the Special interest serve regularly at Assembly meetings except for Crystal Kennedy who is refuses to eat this food.  John Weddleton and Meg Zaletel sometimes will not eat them.  

He also supports the special interest movement to recall the Governor and does not support you getting a full Permanent Fund Dividend.  He also is responsible for raising your property taxes the past six years to make the Homeless situation worse.  

Here is his solution to the problem 

Here are the projects he believes he had a hand in bringing you when he only helped as a state legislature and he finished as an Assemblyman
He is also responsible to make sure that in 2015 you could go into the bathroom of your choice regardless of your physical makeup.  

Here in 2020 you have some common sense people in this district running his name is Monty Dyson. 

Time to move forward together and sweep Pete Petersen out of office with Monty Dyson when you get your mail in ballot for the April Municipal Election.