Monday, February 15, 2021

Utah it is time to vote out Mitt Romney in 2024 in representing you in the US Senate

 Utah this carpetbagger from Massachusetts has been a disappointment to you.  He has not voted your values.  He has also used his faith to justify his votes against Donald Trump.  The truth is he has not like Donald Trump.  He did something you could not do that is become president.  He promoted a lot of your ideas while in office such as education money goes with the kid something you suggested on the campaign trail.  It is time Utah to dump this guy in the Republican primary in 2024 like you did in 2010 when you choose Mike Lee over Bob Bennett.  Utah you can do this again. 

Alaska in 2022 it is time to vote out Lisa Murkowski to represent Alaska in the US Senate


Lisa Murkowski voted to not allow Donald Trump to run again.  She was one of the 7 Republicans who voted to impeach.  You know Trump was the only president to support the economic freedom of Alaskans.  She does not represent Alaska.  Remember in 2003 Frank her father appointed her to the US Senate to get her out of the way to allow the oil industry to have less taxes in Alaska.  Lisa actually opposes oil development of Alaska.  It is time to send Lisa Murkowski packing.  Thanks to the passage of Alaska Proposition 2 she has get 5th place not advance the primary.  Remember in 2022 vote her out. 



Donald Trump was acquitted from the US Senate since it requires 67 votes to impeach a president or in this case prevent him from running again.  Only 7 Republicans joined Democrats in not running Donald Trump to run again.  Sorry he can run again.  America can not wait til Donald Trump runs for office and wins again in 2024.