Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We need a Hard Rock Cafe in Spokane

Spokane has many Hard Rock and Roll fans this kind of cafe would do well in Spokane.  Many places in Downtown Spokane where this place could go.  You could even have a stage have local groups perform that would be a plus.  Spokane has many Hard Rock and Roll fans.  Spokane is the center of commerce for residence in North Idaho, Eastern Washington even up into Alberta and British Columbia including Eastern Oregon.  Hard Rock Cafe or someone who wants to put this type of restaurant consider Spokane your business will do well here. 

Alaska McDonald's want to keep employees start them at $10 an hour

Alaska McDonald's recently I saw this bulletin on at your restaurant near Totem Theater in East Anchorage.  I notice you are paying people $9 an hour to start.  Just to let you know if you want to keep the employee beyond 90 days you need to actually start them at $10 an hour.  Soon if Alaska approves Alaska Proposition Three starting in 2016 the Alaska Minimum Wage will be at $9.75 an hour then will increase due to inflation.  The Alaska retaining wage is at $11 an hour.  The average that an Alaska cab driver makes is about $9 an hour this has been unchanged in 10 years.  Please consider starting your workers at $10 an hour so you can retain your workers and give your current workers a $1 raise they deserve it.