Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Anchorage's LGBT ordinance will not unite Anchorage

Recently Bill Evans an Assembly decided to make Identity and LGBT members of the community happy.  If you wanted this ordinance you need to take gender identity out of the ordinance.  Transgender is a choice so is being gay.  The gay agenda does not read the constitution they also do not follow the bible which is what the constitution was founded on.  Even though there is a religious exemption the gay lobby will get this thrown out in court.  It is better for Anchorage to have no ordinance than to divide this community.  School age children should not have check to see if a transgendered in their bathroom before going.  Transgendered need to go in the bathroom of their birth gender not what they want to be.  Please testify against this ordinance it is better for Anchorage not to have this ordinance at all.