Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Anchorage Assembly will rename a one block section of Gambell Street tonight

At tonight Anchorage's Assembly in one hour the assembly member Pat Flynn who represents the area will introduce a resolution renaming one block of Gambell Street calling it Gamble Street from E 6th Avenue to E 7th Avenue.  This blog will stay up until the sign is correct or that Gambell Street is renamed Gamble Street. 

Michael Brown and Freddie Gray caused their own deaths

This recent handling of Freddie Gray just like Michael Brown was not due to police conduct it was due to the fact they refused to submit to police authority and instruction.  The racist NAACP real name is the National Advancement of Communist Persons.  There campaign of hands up don't shoot is a racist campaign.  Remember Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are false prophets proclaiming they stand for black people when most black people do not share their views at all.  Martin Luther King preached non violence not throw rocks at police.  If the justice department were are a real justice department.  FBI should order the arrest of Reverend Al Sharpton for inciting a riot in Baltimore and Ferguson. 

Baltimore and Maryland politicians need a backbone send the NAACP the bill for the riots

Baltimore lawmakers and Maryland politicians need to have some backbone.  Arrest anyone involved in civil discourse.  They also need to do one other thing hand the local chapter and the national chapter of the NAACP which its true name is the National Advancement of Communist Persons the bill.  Require before they raise one additional dollar they must pay this bill.  City of Baltimore needs to have the police seize all their assets until the bill is paid.  If Al Sharpton has also incited this then put out a warrant for his arrest if he comes to Baltimore he will go to jail for being a racist.  Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are falsely preaching the ideas of Martin Luther King.  True Black people would like to see what the justice system does first not react in a racist manner.  You were wrong in Ferguson you are wrong here.  True Black people do not share your racist ideas.  You are false prophets.  Martin Luther King preached non violence you preach lets destroy humanity be racist.  Freddie Gray was defiant like Michael Brown refuse to submit to police instructions.  Both deaths are not justified the police are not at fault it is the fault of the person refusing to submit to the command of the police officer.  They died due to their own behavior not the police.  Justice Department needs to stay out these investigations. 

Teacher saves students in school shooting at Lacey's North Thurston High School

It takes outstanding teachers like social studies teacher Brady Olson to think of the welfare of the students over himself.  The shooter a recent transfer from Mt Rainer a bigger high school than North Thurston.  The reason I know this because Mt Rainer in Des Moines plays in the same league as my birth high school in the Snoqualmie Valley called Mt Si in the King County league.  North Thurston a small school in Lacey east of Olympia.  This kid had mental health issues however due to a recent Initiative 594 recently passed by Washington State voters his parents will be charged with a crime.  Even though it was the student who did the crime just like recently the parents of recently deceased shooter Jaylen Friberg is currently being charged for allowing access to a rifle to him.  I guess as the kid finds himself in juvenile detention the parents will soon also be in jail as well under a socialist law passed by voters recently.  Here is a case where gun laws do not prevent crimes because those that do this stuff do not follow the law.  Gun laws do not protect people.  It was a teacher that protected the students here.  Kudos to Brady Olson for thinking of his students first.