Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A wasted vote is one that is not cast

It is interesting that the major parties say if you vote any party than the Republican and Democrat parties.  If you vote Libertarian like in 2016 for Gary Johnson you are throwing away your vote.  Here is the truth a trash can vote is one not cast or a voter that stays home.  That is a trash can vote.  If you want to vote for Gary Johnson go for it.  He is the only adult in the room should have been in Monday, September 26th debate between the two schoolchildren Donny and Hillary.  When Donny pulls Hillary's hair she could say principal Johnson Donny pushed me.  He could say you guys need to grow up act your age not your shoe size.  Here is my independent voting record.  In 1992 and 1996 went for Perot, In 2000 went for Buchanan and in 2004 went to Petrouka of the Constitution Party.  Gary Johnson is possibly on my list for 2016.  The last two election cycles I have not found a good Independent. I voted for the GOP nominees of McCain and Romney in 2008 and 2012.  I am not completely sold on Trump.  I will tell you Trump is the GOP nominee due to the Perotistas who backed him in the GOP Primaries.  I was actually a Ted Cruz backer in the primaries.  I have not decided between Trump and Johnson.  Perot did not elect Bill Clinton in 1992. Bush 41's poor performance as president did.  Gary Johnson will not elect Hillary Clinton only the media will unless history tells Trump will win since every eight years we change the party in the White House from one party to the other.  Remember it has not been since 1860 since a non major party win the White House that was the Republican party with Abraham Lincoln.  Could Gary Johnson be the Abe Lincoln of 2016.  We shall see.