Thursday, March 13, 2014

Did you ever wanted to know what you would be like as the opposite sex?

 Here are two picture the top picture is what I actually looked at age 13 and how I would had looked like as a female around the same age.  I have been asked by friends to an article like this.  Have you always wondered what it would be like if you born of the opposite gender than you were.  Everybody has that fantasy then reality sets in and you except the gender you are born in.  Then there is the transgendered population who decide that body modification is make the outside look the way you feel on the inside.  I have another name for this group called the fake males and fake females because if done completely you do not fully function as the other gender.  There are even Childrens Hospitals with gender identity clinic and in some case children are allowed to delay their natural puberty then have puberty of the opposite sex as a result. 

This picture the girl on the left was biological born a male through child manipulation she was able to take female hormones and physically look like a female while still has a complete sex of male genitals.  Unless you know the truth about that girl you would not know that.  Allowing a child to go through puberty of the opposite gender is body modification in a way is child abuse.  This is the child dictating to the parent instead of dealing with a real issue of bullying and address the issue.  The way to combat that is to toughen the kid instead of body modification.  They also say if the child does not do this it leads to suicide of child.  That is baloney.  The transgendered need to except the fact you were born a certain way and deal with it.  You body modify yourself you do not allow yourself to natural reproduce you are a permanent eunuch.  The exception to this is the intersex where the person who be able to choose their gender or if the person has Swyer Syndrome other than that.  Even you choose the other sex you are physically built as a male or a female and when you die you will still considered that.  The transgendered need to except their original sex and deal with it.  This article for the purpose of stopping and preventing transgendered operations.  To save people from making a bad mistake of being the sex you were not born as.  It is okay to play dress act as the opposite sex and play drag but do not modify yourself that is going against god's plan.  Born Female stay female.  Born male stay male.