Thursday, April 11, 2013

Please tell your local school board to fire or not renew a teachers contract with a local teachers association

Please mention to your school board they should not renew any contract from a local teachers union.  Teachers should work directly with the school administration and school board.  Tenure should be eliminated.  The quality is better when you fire a teachers association you eliminate the voice of the National Education Association they support top down administrations not the teachers.  Most are responsible for why Johnny can not read or graduate must take remedial course in order start college on the right track.  Some students should learn a trade instead most public school have a one size fits all which is that all students will go to a four year university.  I did not go to the four year university.  I got my degree from a two year community college.  Let's start in the 8th grade find out what the kid wants to do then do when they go to high school they can have a custom learning plan for each student.  If a students wants to do a trade then they can graduate with job skills and learn the trade.  If the student wants to work on motorcycles then have the student do course for the trade.  If a student wants to teacher then that student can do course for that purpose.  Please tell your school board to fire the teachers union and save your schools and childs learning.  Allow parents to control the schools.

Knik Arm Crossing great deal for South Central Alaska economy

After getting the facts from a trusted friend who would made a great legislator Roger Purcell who is the chair of the Houston, Alaska Chamber of Commerce.  No state money will used in the Knik Arm Crossing which means if they want to put tolls they can.  What they need to do check out how the Washington State Hwy 520 bridge is tolled allow toll passes, frequent users discount.  If you live in Port Mackenzie you should have a 50 percent discount this should also apply to the Whittier tunnel if you are Whittier resident.  Anchorage cab drivers just like picking someone or taking someone to Whittier according to Anchorage Title 11 if you have a fare to you have to pay extra to execute the trip such as toll you can pass that on to the customer and add it to the price of the fare.  The real question the real hold is what we call the mismanaged construction project called the Anchorage Port which started in the Begich Administration has continued through the Sullivan administration except for a few assembly member Paul Honeman and Dick Triani questioning the cost of the port.  Most assembly members have just sung the tune of lets just throw many at expanding the port hope a bridge a come.  In the mean time the Matanuska Susitna Borough buys a ferry that can only sit in the dock in Ketchikan kind of like a Chevy Nova.  This ship would be better if put the Alaska State Legislature on it instead of sending it to Los Angeles for the Catalina Island ferry.  The legislatures can not leave the ship until peoples business is done.  Build the bridge and tell the Anchorage Assembly to finish the port a bridge is coming

When a murder suspect is willing to give the location of bodies please accomodate

Last year in the Anchorage Jail housed an inmate named Isreal Coward Keyes.  He asked for cigars he would give the names of his victims.  Now question is if a murder is willing to give the location of the bodies and the victims namesPlease provide the request if it food the suspect wants then order him the food and drink.  Yes even if it is alcohol.  If the suspect wants to smoke marijuana then do let the suspect have a joint.  You have justice for the victim.  If the suspect says execute after a year once justice is done for the victim.  As soon as the last victim is found.  Please execute him if it means you take a 44 and blow the suspects brains out do it.  Justice is done.  Victims found.  Now we have nine unsolved victims in the Israel Coward Keyes. I believe their are many victims in Texas of unsolved murders.  If you have an unsolved murder between 2001-2011 please let this blog know.  I will check the Israel Coward Keyes timeline to see if he might been involved.  Please call 1-800-CALL-FBI if any unsolved cases between 2001 and 2011.  I believe their are many unsolved cases in Texas that he may have been involved with as well as in Washington State.  He worked for Makah Indian Nation in Neah Bay.  Any unsolved murders on Olympic Peninsula and Puget Sound Area between 2001 and 2009.  I also believe he may have killed in the Inland Northwest near Colville and Spokane, Idaho and Montana.  Probably unsolved murders in the Rocky Mountains near the Idaho and Montana border.